6 things to know about the Birmingham Disco Amigos. Is anyone in this city having more fun?

Reading time: 6 minutes

Birmingham Disco Amigos at Pride.
The Birmingham Disco Amigos at the Pride Parade. Photo from Facebook

If anyone in the Magic City is having more fun than the Birmingham Disco Amigos, you’re gonna have to prove it to me. From the moment my kids’ Cub Scout troop followed them in the Homewood Christmas parade, I’ve had a secret fangirl crush on the whole operation.

In fact, I can say without a doubt that at a different moment in my life, I would have gone out to join the fun in a heartbeat. Today, though, I’m gonna tell you a little bit about this group so they can become a part of your world, too.

You can thank me later.

1. The Birmingham Disco Amigos are a chapter of a New Orleans group

Disco Amigos bringing the party in NOLA.
Disco Amigos bringing the party in NOLA. Photo from Facebook

Anybody who’s ever been to Mardi Gras knows those folks in NOLA know how to have a good time. Since 2012, the Disco Amigos have been bringing the party to “performances, parades, private events and charity.”

Back when they got started, there were forty of them. Now, including their Birmingham chapter, there are over 130 members. The whole operation is like a fraternity, but focused on good, clean fun.

2. The Disco Amigos have a pretty awesome sense of humor

Disco Amigos t-shirt on a statue of Sam Adams striking a pose.
Sam Adams striking a pose with a Birmingham Disco Amigos t-shirt. Photo from Facebook

These folks have talent, will travel. Here they’ve left their mark on a statue. Because why not?

3. The Birmingham Disco Amigos are kind of becoming unofficial ambassadors for the city

Disco Amigos mascot overlooking Railroad Park.
Looking out over Railroad Park and the Birmingham skyline. Photo from Facebook

Mayor Randall Woodfin, watch out. While our mayor can be found at most every event around town, the Birmingham Disco Amigos are close on his heels.

Here they are with the Birmingham Bulls

50913086 585717775174685 911616480842350592 o 6 things to know about the Birmingham Disco Amigos. Is anyone in this city having more fun?
Birmingham Disco Amigos with the Birmingham Bulls mascot. Photo from Facebook

This one already happened, but doesn’t it seem like they had so. much. fun? Never fear, you can still catch them at a local sporting event . . .

Catch them at the Barons game Friday, June 14 at 7PM

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Birmingham Barons Disco Night. Photo from Facebook

You, too, can get your groove on this coming Friday night, June 14 at 7PM. Head out to Regions Field to see the Birmingham Barons. The Birmingham Disco Amigos want you to get decked out like That 70’s Show and get ready to dance. Also, look for disco-themed firework after the game. What better reason do you need to stay after the 7th inning stretch?

Find them at a parade near you

Birmingham Disco Amigos at a parade.
The Birmingham Disco Amigos doing their parade thing. Photo from Facebook

If you’re the type of person that doesn’t give a hoot about sports, you can find them at a local parade near you. Look for the giant disco ball and listen for the music. You won’t be disappointed.

Sometimes they perform at private parties

Not your usual corporate affair . . .

They do community events

Birmingham Disco Amigos with a fire truck.
The Birmingham Disco Amigos with a fire truck. Photo from Facebook

Who doesn’t love a fire truck?

They also travel for corporate events

Birmingham Disco Amigos at a Trailways corporate event.
The Birmingham Disco Amigos at a Trailways convention in Sandestin. Photo from Facebook

They danced, they taught, and everybody had such a great time they got invited to the next one. Rumor has it they might even be able to get a tour bus out of the deal . . .

4. Sometimes they spontaneously break into dance at their own parties

This is what happens when you hang out with fun, creative, uninhibited souls: magic. They might also have been in a flash mob. Which is about the most awesome thing ever.

Because really, wouldn’t the world be such a better place if people spontaneously broke out into song and dance on a more regular basis?

5. You, too, can join the fun with the Birmingham Disco Amigos 💃🕺🏻

Birmingham Disco Amigos rehearsing at the Levite Jewish Community Center.
The Birmingham Disco Amigos rehearsing at the Levite Jewish Community Center. Photo from Facebook

If you’re feeling the call to join the fun, you’re in luck. June is their recruitment month for the 2019-20 season. Anyone who’s interested is welcome to come to a Tuesday night rehearsal from 6-8PM at the Levite Jewish Community Center of Birmingham.  

First order of business: warm ups and line dances. If you want to come and watch, they welcome you. If you want to join the fun, they’ll help you get your groove on.

They’re a fun, friendly and casual group, and there’s no pressure to join.

That said, here’s a little info about them to help you decide. They’re a co-ed, 21 and up, diverse “social aid and boogie club.” You don’t have to be a fabulous dancer—you just need to be ready to learn, turn, jump and do cardio. You’ve also gotta be a team player who loves dressing up in 70s gear, and love dancing to 70s disco and funk to entertain the masses.

While the JCC generously provides meeting space, the group has no religious affiliations.

If that sounds like your cup of tea and you know you want to sign up, go to www.discoamigos.com and scroll down to “Birmingham Disco Amigos Chapter.” Fill out a form and you’ll get all the details. Annual dues are in the $250 range, and money goes toward the costs of bringing the party. Think practice spaces, scholarships, decorations and more.

6. The Birmingham Disco Amigos are available for hire

Not everybody wants to join, but it sure can be fun to have these folks show up at your party. Yep. They do charity events like Do Dah Day, private parties, parades and corporate events.

If you want to join or hire the Birmingham Disco Amigos, get in touch with them at bham@discoamigos.com or discoamigos.com.

Note: the fabulous image of Disco Amigos Birmingham dancing at The Club that we shared on Facebook was taken by the good people over at Iron City Ink. They deserve all the credit for that amazing shot.

Sharron Swain
Sharron Swain

Writer, Interviewer + Adventurer | Telling stories to make a difference

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