Demolition of UAB Town House expected to take 2 months. Remember to support nearby shops (VIDEO)

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IMG 8955 Demolition of UAB Town House expected to take 2 months. Remember to support nearby shops (VIDEO)
Demolition of the UAB Town House began on June 7, 2019. Photo by Pat Byington for Bham Now

Demolition of the 10 story UAB Town House began this week.

Located on the corner of University Boulevard and 20th Street, one of Birmingham’s busiest intersections, the 1953 building will take approximately 2 months to be taken down and cleared, according to sources at UAB.

Screen Shot 2019 06 08 at 8.14.21 AM Demolition of UAB Town House expected to take 2 months. Remember to support nearby shops (VIDEO)
Photo from Bham Wiki
UAB Towne House in 2017.  Photo by Pat Byington for Bham Now

The 66 year old building was originally an apartment complex and later became a known for hosting patients and families in need of long term care at UAB.

Here is a description of the Town House from an excerpt in Bhamwiki.

“The property was originally owned and operated as an apartment building by Morton Bright. Its convenience to the Medical Center led UAB to lease space there for visiting professors and hospital patients. The university purchased the building in 1985. The Birmingham Baptist Association, which had offices on the 7th floor of the Town House, managed 15 fully-furnished apartments for families of hospital patients needing affordable extended accommodation.”

Congestion Concerns Nearby Businesses

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Lucy’s Coffee on University Boulevard

The demolition of the Town House coupled with work being done across the street at the McCallum Health Sciences Building has local nearby shops encouraging customers to develop strategies to reach their establishments.

IMG 8902 Demolition of UAB Town House expected to take 2 months. Remember to support nearby shops (VIDEO)
Lucy Bonds on the right with staff at the entrance of Lucy’s Coffee & Tea. Photo by Pat Byington for Bham Now

“I’m hoping it is important to build it into their (customers) schedules to allow a little bit more time to walk to places,” said Lucy Bonds, owner of Lucy’s Coffee & Tea.  “It is going to be inconvenient and hopefully they will be done quick enough so we can get back to normal foot traffic.”

Bonds plans to give out  free drink coupons for employees of UAB in the area especially along University Boulevard west of the coffeehouse.

She also noted four other businesses, Subway, Wings Around the Clock, University Tacos, and the Hilton are going to be impacted.

“A lot of people are depending on folks to take a little time to come visit us,” she added.

Visit and say goodbye to the Town House

Watching the UAB Town House come down piece by piece just off 21st Street and 7th Avenue is a nice show. While you are saying goodbye, visit  Lucy’s and the nearby restaurants and shops.  They would love to see you.

Pat Byington
Pat Byington

Longtime conservationist. Former Executive Director at the Alabama Environmental Council and Wild South. Publisher of the Bama Environmental News for more than 18 years. Career highlights include playing an active role in the creation of Alabama's Forever Wild program, Little River Canyon National Preserve, Dugger Mountain Wilderness, preservation of special places throughout the East through the Wilderness Society and the strengthening (making more stringent) the state of Alabama's cancer risk and mercury standards.

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