5 important conservation events in Birmingham during the first half of December
Reading time: 3 minutes

Starting this morning, Monday, December 3rd at 11:30 with an Alabama Rivers Alliance Legislative Lunch and Learn conference call, the first half of December will be filled with educational and fun conservation events in and around Birmingham.
Check out the line-up and mark your calendars. If you care about nature, these are “must attend” events.
Alabama Rivers Alliance Legislative Lunch & Learn – December 3, 11:30 to 12:30

Alabama still needs a Water Plan. Two years removed from the worse drought in the state’s history, the state has yet to respond to a major conservation problem that has been hindering the progress regionally (Georgia & Florida) for three or more decades. Learn what the plans are for the next 2019 Legislative session. Call-in – HERE.
Urban Land Institute – Urban Design Trends – December 4, Noon to 1:30 at Sloss Furnaces (deadline to register- DEC. 3)

What’s the next big trend for urban design in Birmingham? Urban Land Institute of Alabama is bringing in a national expert from D.C. and local experts to provide people a sneak preview for 2019. Is there another Railroad Park in our future?
Birmingham Audubon Society- 2018 Winter Banquet Fundraiser – December 6, 6:30, Protective Life Center

Follow the travels of noted ornithologist, conservationist, naturalist and author Bruce Beehler as he describes the Spring migration of songbirds in his new book, North on the Wing—Travels with the Songbird Migration of Spring.
Get your tickets – HERE.
Alabama Wildlife Center – Annual Holiday Craft & Bake Sale Fundraiser – December 8, 9:00a.m.

The Alabama Wildlife Center‘s craft and Bake Sale is always a “twofer.” Not only do you get to see purchase crafts and delightful treats for a good cause, you get to visit the rescued animals.
Fresh Air Family – Wacky Tacky Light Tour – December 11-13, 5:15-10:00pm at Avondale Brewery
Perhaps, Birmingham’s most quirky fundraiser, have fun with the folks at Fresh Air Family, looking at the Magic City’s silliest Christmas lights. Reserve your tickets – HERE.