Find Santa at these 12 locations in Birmingham

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Birmingham, Santa, Santa Claus
Mr. and Mrs. Claus in Birmingham, AL. Photo via Santa Claus

Do you hear that? It’s sleigh bells! You know what that means—Santa is coming to town! Here’s where you can find him in Birmingham this holiday season. (And you don’t even have to go to the mall!)

Norwood Pictures with Santa

When: Tuesday, December 4
Where: Norwood Park, Birmingham, AL 35234
Cost: FREE

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Will you be visiting Santa this year?

Looking for some Santa-filled fun this holiday season? Then head to Norwood for this free event!

  • Get your photo taken with Santa
  • Have cookies, hot chocolate and hot dogs with Mrs. Claus
  • Roast marshmallows

Your little ones will also have the opportunity to mail a letter to ole’ Saint Nick at the North Pole, so have that Christmas list ready!

B’ham Boutique Blowout Christmas Extravaganza

When: Saturday, December 8 – 10am-6pm; Sunday, December 9 – 10am-4pm
Where: Birmingham Mariott. 3590 Grandview Pkwy, Birmingham, AL 35242
Cost: General Admission – FREE; VIP  – $6 (receive discounts with most vendors)

The North Pole at Santas Wonderland. Photo by Patience Itson for Bham Now Find Santa at these 12 locations in Birmingham
There are lots of places in Birmingham to mail letters to Santa. Photo by Patience Itson for Bham Now

Have you heard about the B’ham Boutique Blowout Christmas Extravaganza? This amazing event will feature over 50 of the best boutiques around, and will also offer incredible discounts to VIP shoppers.

But that’s not all! Santa and Mrs. Claus will be making an appearance on Saturday, so while you sip, shop and save, your kids will get to spend some time with Jolly Saint Nick. Win win!

Singing Santa at Brookwood Village

Where: Brookwood Village. 
When: November 16-December 24
November 17-December 16 – Monday-Friday 11am-7pm; Saturday 11am-8pm; Sunday 12pm-6pm
December 17-24 – Daily 9am-5pm
December 24 – 9am-5pm

Singing Santa at Brookwood Village. Photo via Brookwood Village Find Santa at these 12 locations in Birmingham
Singing Santa at Brookwood Village. Photo via Brookwood Village

Singing Santa made his grand entrance at Brookwood Village on November 16, but he’ll be available for photos and visits until Christmas Eve. Find him on his big purple couch on the second level of Brookwood Village, across from the food court. No appointment needed!

Christmas Parade and Celebration

When: December 9
Where: Liberty Parkway, Birmingham, AL 35242
Time: 2pm-4pm

The Liberty Park Christmas Parade and Celebration will take place this December. Are you ready for a great time?

After an eventful parade, there will be lots of kids’ activities, refreshments, music and more to check out. But best of all, photos with Santa!

CahaBAZAAR Holiday Market

When: Saturday, December 8
Where: Cahaba Brewing Company. 4500 5th Ave S., Birmingham, AL 35222
Time: 12pm-7pm

Visit Santa in Birmingham this holiday season. Photo by Patience Itson for Bham Now Find Santa at these 12 locations in Birmingham
Santa making visits around Birmingham, AL. Photo submitted.

Yellowhammer Creative and Cahaba Brewing Co. have teamed up this season to host the CahaBAZAAR Holiday Market. Enjoy a day of family fun with:

  • Local arts and makers
  • Shopping
  • Food and beer
  • Kids’ crafts

Santa and Mrs. Claus will also be attending the event from 2:30pm-5pm so be sure to nab that perfect holiday photo!

Donuts with Santa / Breakfast and Pajama Party with Santa and his Elves

Where: The Heavenly Donut Co. 4911 Cahaba River Rd., Birmingham, AL 35243
When: Donuts with Santa – December 8 (11:30am-1:30pm and 5:30pm-7:30pm; Breakfast and Pajama Party with Santa and his Elves – December 20-21 (8am-10am)

Save the cookies and bring out the donuts because Santa is trying something new this year (and may I say, much more yummy!). During the month of December, join The Heavenly Donut Co. for two fun-filled and totally tasty events. 

On December 8, Santa will be visiting the shop for Donuts with Santa. Bring your kids and enjoy a Santa donut and drink with the guy in red. 

Each child must have a ticket ($9). Buy now

On December 2021, wear your pjs and spend some time with Santa and his Elves during a Breakfast and Pajama Party. Breakfast includes a sausage donut, fruit and a drink, plus a Santa donut.

Each child must have a ticket ($15). Buy now

Santa’s Wonderland 

Where: Bass Pro Shops. 5000 Bass Pro Blvd., Leeds, AL 35094
When: November 16-December 24
Hours: November – Sunday 12pm-5pm; Monday-Tuesday 5pm-8pm; Wednesday-Saturday 10am-8pm; December – Sunday 10am-5pm; Monday-Saturday 10am-8pm

The North Pole. Photo by Patience Itson for Bham Now Find Santa at these 12 locations in Birmingham
The North Pole at Bass Pro Shops in Leeds. Photo by Patience Itson for Bham Now

Santa’s Wonderland is an annual event at Bass Pro Shops, drawing in thousands of families each year. During your visit, get a free 4×6 photo with Santa or opt for additional photo packages. 

Along with having your photo taken with Santa, you can also:

  • Mail a letter to Santa at the North Pole
  • Ride the carousel 
  • Partake in free arts and crafts
  • Visit the shooting arcades on Bass Pro Shops 2nd level
  • Get hot chocolate in Buck’s Sandwich Shop
The carousel. Photo by Patience Itson for Bham Now Find Santa at these 12 locations in Birmingham
Santa’s Wonderland at Bass Pro Shops in Leeds . Photo by Patience Itson for Bham Now

Be sure to visit the Bass Pass Ticket Depot to get a Bass Pass. This pass is required to visit Santa and provides a time. It also allows you to explore Santa’s Wonderland or shop the store while waiting in a virtual line. 

Santa’s Workshop at Riverchase Galleria

Where: Riverchase Galleria. 2000 Galleria Cir, Birmingham, AL 35244
When: Now-December 24
Time: Monday-Saturday 11am6pm
Special Hours:
December 15-22 — Monday-Saturday 9am-9pm
December 16-23 — Sunday 10am-7pm
December 24 — Christmas Eve 9am-6pm

Birmingham, Santa, Riverchase Galleria, Santa's Workshop
Visit Santa’s Workshop at Riverchase Galleria in Hoover. Photo via Riverchase Galleria

Create lasting memories this holiday season with a trip to see Santa at Riverchase Galleria.

Reserve your spot Monday-Wednesday now through December 5 and save $5 on your photo package. Plus, receive a FREE personalized video with any purchase of a premium photo package. 

Skip the line. Reserve your spot. 

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Take your pet to Santa’s Workshop at Riverchase Galleria. Photo via Richerchase Galleria

You can also take your pets to visit Santa during Riverchase Galleria’s special pet night events. (Domestic animals only. All pets must be on a leash or contained in a cage.) 

When: November 26; December 3, 10, 10, 17
Time: 5pm-8pm

Mountain Brook Holiday Parade

Where: Mountain Brook Chamber of Commerce. 101 Hoyt Ln., Mountain Brook, AL 35213
When: Sunday, December 2
Time: 3pm-4pm

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Santa visits Mountain Brook. Photo via Mountain Brook Chamber of Commerce

Are you in the mood for some traditional holiday fun? Then you’ll love the Mountain Brook Holiday Parade. Santa will be there for a special photo op so be sure to get a photo taken with him after the parade. 

Holiday in the Hills Breakfast with Santa

When: December 8
Where: Vestavia Hills Civic Center. 
Time: 7:30am-10am

The City of Vestavia will be hosting a free pancake breakfast on December 8. The best part—it’s with Santa! Bring the whole family out for this special holiday event. 

Santa’s Coming to the Farm

Where: Oak Mountain State Park. 200 Terrace Dr., Pelham, AL 35214
When: December 15
Time: 10am-12pm

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Baby goats having fun this holiday season. 

On December 15, Santa will be heading to the farm at Oak Mountain State Park to spread some holiday cheer. Get your photo taken, make Christmas ornaments and enjoy light refreshments. 

The sweet animals at Oak Mountain State Park are also excited about Santa’s visit. While there, you can also adopt a Christmas list from one of these farm babies in order to help make their holiday bright and merry. 

Pictures with Santa at Chick-fil-a

Where: Chick-fil-a (Greystone). 5375 Hwy. 280, Birmingham, AL 35242
When: December 10
Time: 4pm-7pm

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Santa at Chick-fil-A. Photo via Santa Claus

During Santa’s many stops across Birmingham this season, you will also find him at Chick-fil-a in Greystone. Come get your photo taken with the guy in red and tell him what’s on your Christmas list. All photos will be emailed to you at no cost!

There will also be a special appearance by Elf Cow and some yummy cookie decorating. 

Where else will Santa be this year? Let us know!


Patience Itson
Patience Itson
Articles: 1785