Over 500 people attended the inaugural Bham Black Pride Weekend

bbp2018 293 Over 500 people attended the inaugural Bham Black Pride Weekend
People participating in the Bham Black Pride Picnic at Bessie Estelle Park. Photo Courtesy via Tony Walker

During the weekend of August 17-19, 2018, the Inaugural Bham Black Pride weekend took place. Events held throughout the weekend were an Opening Banquet at the Double Tree Hotel, an Award Ceremony for advocates to the Bham Black Pride community, and a picnic at Bessie Estelle Park.

Over 500 people from across the state of Alabama, and other states like Louisiana, Virginia, and New York participated in the the first Bham Black Pride events.

Christopher McCummings, one of the Bham Black Pride organizers mentioned, “We needed a black gay pride to manage the ramifications of racism and bigotry. It’s so important that we come together, love on each other, so that everyone can see that and be supportive of the LGBTQ community!”

Rushing Waters
Rushing Waters
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