Amazon Prime’s Whole Foods discount starts June 13 at all Alabama stores
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The Prime savings just rolled out in 10 more states, including Alabama. Oh, and new discounts just for Prime members, too.
Yesterday I took my daughter to Whole Foods for a snack (a specific fruit-flavored puff, fit for a diva), and we saw the Amazon Prime people right at the front door, ready to sign you up. I say “you” because I am already a Prime member. How do you think I survived shopping while 9 months pregnant?

Cost And Details
It’s $119-a-year for a Prime membership. When you become an Amazon Prime member, you receive an extra 10 percent off sale items and rotating deals at Whole Foods. Prime members can also get these savings at Whole Foods Market stores across the country.
Sign up for Amazon Prime online here.
An App For That
Prime members shopping at Whole Foods locations—Here’s what you do:
- Open the grocery chain’s mobile app.
- Sign in with their Amazon account.
- Scan the bar code at checkout.
In April the e-commerce giant said it would raise the price of its annual Prime membership to $119, in the first price hike since 2014.

“We’re excited that Prime savings will be available at nearly half of our Whole Foods Market stores this week, giving more Prime members access to great deals just in time for summer,” said A.C. Gallo, President and Chief Operating Officer at Whole Foods Market, in prepared statement.
“Based on the positive customer feedback and successes we’ve seen over the past month, we’re accelerating our timeline to expand these savings to all of our U.S. stores.”
In June 2017, Amazon purchased Whole Foods in a deal valued at $13.7 billion. Since the purchase was completed in August, Amazon has lowered prices at Whole Foods and continues to extend the Prime discounts to its stores across the country. The new discounts are now available to nearly half the U.S.
Also in Amazon news: Did you know that Bessemer is getting an Amazon distribution center? Jobs, people!