Inside Look at Lakeshore Foundation’s Amazing Race (Slideshow)

Reading time: 2 minutes

Did you participate in Lakeshore Foundation’s Amazing Race this past Saturday? We’ve got some amazing photos of it! 

This past weekend, Lakeshore Foundation hosted their own The Amazing Race event, based on the popular CBS reality game show competition. The event helped raise money and awareness for physical disabilities. Lakeshore held the challenges on their campus in Homewood to promote healthy activities, sports, and recreation. Find out more about these challenges in our last post, and check out Lakeshore’s website for event details here.

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Warming up
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Contestants warm up outside for the Amazing Race. Photo by Jacob Blankenship.
Taste testing
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Racers participate in a blind taste testing challenge. Photo by Jacob Blankenship.
Gone fishing
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Teams pair their fishing finds with the matching photo cards. Photo by Jacob Blankenship.
Wheelchair race
Copy of IMG 1984 Inside Look at Lakeshore Foundation's Amazing Race (Slideshow)
One team player races around the track in the wheelchair challenge. Photo by Jacob Blankenship.
Tenzi challenge
Copy of IMG 2027 Inside Look at Lakeshore Foundation's Amazing Race (Slideshow)
Amazing Racers race to win the Tenzi dice game challenge. Photo by Jacob Blankenship.
How much sugar?
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Teams matched products with a bag of how much sugar they believed each contained. Photo by Jacob Blankenship.
The perfect shot
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One contestant takes the perfect shot in archery. Photo by Jacob Blankenship.
Aim and fire
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Another contestant aims to fire in a shooting challenge. Photo by Jacob Blankenship.
Amazing wins
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Vulcan Materials Company places ninth overall in the Amazing Race. Photo by Jacob Blankenship.
Rushing Waters
Rushing Waters
Articles: 483