Everyone loves a parade. Check out videos of the best Do Dah Day 2018 Parade floats

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FullSizeRender 332 e1526911781194 Everyone loves a parade. Check out videos of the best Do Dah Day 2018 Parade floats
Photo from the #dodahday instagram account.

This year’s Do Dah Day 2018 was a huge success. A Birmingham original, thousands of people once again descended on the Highland Park neighborhood to have a good time and raise funds to benefit homeless animals in the Birmingham and Jefferson County areas.

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From the Do Dah Day Instagram account. Do Dah Day Human Queen Katie and King Isaac along with their pet Queen Iris and King Ibis kicking off Do Dah Day.

Since  1992, the organization has raised  over $1.3 million.

One of the highlights of this year’s event?  The parade.

Many thanks to Bham Now reader Joe Watts and the Altadena Valley Animal Clinic who posted on the Highlands Park Neighborhood  and the clinic’s facebook pages  videos of the parade winners.

Check out  Disco Amigos and the Birmingham Boston Terrier Rescue.

Disco Amigos

Birmingham Boston Terrier Rescue Float Sponsored by Altadena Valley Animal Clinic

Here are the 2018 Do Dah Day Parade Winners.
– Best Pet/Owner Look-a-like – #199 Wendy Gardiner
– Best Team – #46 – Disco Amigos
– Best Float – #66 – Birmingham Boston Terrier Rescue
– Largest Pet – #78 – Hugo Palmer
– Best Movie Theme – #46 – Wizard of Oz – Nancy Santiago

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It was a warm day at Do Dah Day 2018. Photo by Jason Smith for Bham Now.

Established nearly four decades ago as a  neighborhood gathering, Do Dah Day has turned into one of the largest animal loving festivals in Birmingham and the entire state.

Truly one of Birmingham’s best annual events, congrats Do Dah Day for another great year and thank you showing us why, for one day, why we love our pets.

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The Do Dah Day JOY Tree to honor and remember so many of our pets… Photo from Do Dah Day’s Facebook page.
Pat Byington
Pat Byington

Longtime conservationist. Former Executive Director at the Alabama Environmental Council and Wild South. Publisher of the Bama Environmental News for more than 18 years. Career highlights include playing an active role in the creation of Alabama's Forever Wild program, Little River Canyon National Preserve, Dugger Mountain Wilderness, preservation of special places throughout the East through the Wilderness Society and the strengthening (making more stringent) the state of Alabama's cancer risk and mercury standards.

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