Adamson Ford hosting Operation Kidsafe to fingerprint children on February 17


Via Operation Kidsafe 1 Adamson Ford hosting Operation Kidsafe to fingerprint children on February 17

No parent wants to think about child abduction, and I know I would do whatever it takes to keep my daughter safe.

Protecting The Future

That’s why doing something preventative, like fingerprinting, eases my mind when it comes to safeguarding her. As an Adamson Ford customer (two cars so far) I may know a little more about what’s going on at their downtown dealership than your average driver.

That’s why I wanted to share this upcoming event with all of our Bham Now readers who are parents.

Join me for Operation Kidsafe on February 17, from 10 to 4 p.m. It’s an easy way to get your a free copy of your childrens’ fingerprints for safekeeping.

Birmingham, Alabama, Adamson Ford, Kidsafe

Is Operation KidSafe Free?

The Kidsafe event at Adamson Ford on February 17 is free. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Here’s the link to the Facebook invite.


Adamson Ford is located at: 1922 2nd Ave S, Birmingham, AL 35233

Birminigham, Alabama, Adamson Ford

Free Fingerprint Scanning

“It’s a free thing, and it’s totally private for families,” said Cal Swann, with Adamson Ford. “The program involves fingerprint scanning and taking a clear photograph of your child.”

Why Bother?

Swann is helping organize the Kidsafe event at Adamson Ford, and he hopes parents understand how important it is to keep your childrens’ fingerprints on hand, along with a recent photograph. If needed, these items are entered into the FBI’s National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database.

“Hopefully, parents will never need to give the FBI that information,” Swann said. “But, if they do, it’s there and that’s very helpful to law enforcement if they are looking for a child.”

Birmingham, Alabama, kidsafe, Adamson Ford, fingerprint, kidnapping, FBI


Do parents need to bring anything to the Kidsafe event?
No. Just bring your children, and as long
as they are with a trusted adult, the service will be available.

What do parents get?
A free bio-document with their child’s digital fingerprints and photo. This document also has safety tips and helps parents start a family safety action plan.

Where does this information go?
Operation Kidsafe is not a database. They will not ask for any personal information. The only record of the visit goes home with the parent.

What do parents do with this document?
Take it home and keep it readily available. If there is ever an emergency, hand the form to law enforcement.

Is Kidsafe just for kids?
No. Operation Kidsafe offers this service to anyone, including special-needs adults who may be at risk.

Birmingham, Alabama, Kidsafe

Developed By The FBI

The Operation Kidsafe system, procedure and layout were developed using consultants from the FBI, police and fingerprinting experts. Kidsafe digitally captures fingerprints of each hand along with a full digital head and shoulder photograph.

The above information is then printed on hard copy and handed to parent for safe keeping. There is an area on the document for parents to update with a current photo.

Birmingham, Alabama, Kidsafe, Adamson Ford
Emergency Use

Should a child become lost, or even worse, kidnapped, the parent would call 911 and let law enforcement know they have an Operation Kidsafe document.

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