Bham Now’s guide to surviving a snow dusting in Birmingham
Reading time: 4 minutes

Looks like there is chance of snow Tuesday in Birmingham. Before you race out the door for the proverbial bread and milk take a quick look at Bham Now’s guide to surviving a snow dusting in Birmingham AL.
On Tuesday we are expected to see snow in Alabama. Though the accumulations aren’t forecasted on the high side, about an inch to two inches, venturing out could be tricky. The National Weather Service is warning of possible “significant impacts.”

It’s going to be very cold outside, so that means what snow we do get will likely stick. If it warms up a bit, the snow can melt slightly then re-freeze, which has the potential to create icy road ways. Be safe, go slow and plan!

Instead of ‘Elf on a Shelf,’ it ‘s time for ‘Ice Cubes in the Toilet!’
A fun new tradition for your family might be just the thing! A spoon under the bed, wear PJ’s inside out, put an ice cube in the toilet. These are snow day superstitions from other parts of the country that your children might have fun with to “make” a snow day happen. Who knows where they come from? WARNING: Do NOT overuse the Snow Day Ritual. It must only be used for good, not evil.

A Few Tips!
- Swing by the gas station today and fill your tank up.
- Charge all those tablets, cell phones, and make sure you have batteries.
- Grab a loaf of some incredibly decadent artisan bread at Whole Foods, or a loaf of the Brioche at Aldi (It’s an Aldi-insider secret, that their Brioche rivals many French bakers!)

- Grab eggs for French toast with the above listed Aldi Brioche loaf, and some thick yummy cheddar and good old reliable American cheese for grilled cheese sandwiches…if the power goes out, you can wrap them in foil and grill!
- Milk is important, of course and while you’re at it grab a thing of half-n-half and some peppermint schnapps (Peppermintinis anyone?)

- 1 candy cane, finely crushed
- 1 (1.5 fluid ounce) jigger vanilla vodka
- 1 fluid ounce peppermint schnapps
- 1 fluid ounce half-and-half cream
- 1 small candy cane
Wet the rim of a chilled martini glass with water, and dip into the crushed candy cane. Pour the vodka, schnapps, and half-and-half into a cocktail shaker over ice. Cover, and shake until the outside of the shaker has frosted. Strain and serve!
- Pick up a case of Water bottles: In case water pipes freeze, at least you will have something to drink.
- Most all local grocery stores sell small bundles of firewood, grab one!
- Toilet paper: You don’t want to run out and then not be able to dash to the store to pick up more.
- Unless you want your kids to wear random tube socks as gloves (yes..that happened to me) go ahead and dig out the (real) gloves, mittens, hats, scarves, boots. You know the kids will want to get out there as soon as there is ANY accumulation.
- Sleds, shovels, buckets: Snow toys can be hard to come by in the South. The top of a large Rubbermaid-type tote container can work as a sled.
It wont last forever!
By Thursday it will be a balmy 43 degrees. But Tuesday and Wednesday will be very cold.
And if it does accumulate, drive carefully, go slow, stay warm and be sure and check on neighbors and family.

What is your favorite Birmingham snow memory? Be sure and post some snaps at Bham Now’s Instagram page.