Homewood focusing on roadwork projects
Reading time: 3 minutes
Homewood’s plans for roadwork this year include a variety of projects. While some plans are still being finalized, it’s good to know how and when your commute might be affected.
And, maybe, like me, you are curious if getting in and out of the Wildwood Chick-fil-A at lunch time will get faster this year!

Not that any Chick-fil-A needs to worry about efficiency in Birmingham. It’s just that traffic over that way is congested, and I’m looking forward to the completion of any project that might shorten my #hangry drive time.

What’s In The Works?
According to the Homewood Star, plans include:
- To-be-determined paving projects
- The 18th Street South streetscape project
- Major road projects for Lakeshore Drive

Paving Projects
Public Services Director Berkley Squires told the Homewood Star that the city will meet with Volkert Engineering, to complete a paving priority list for the city this month. These projects will be complete by 2018. Homewood set aside $1.4 million for paving this year. It’s the third fiscal year that Homewood designated funds toward the paving plan.

Streetscape Project
The 18th Street South streetscape project includes a variety of improvements. Redesigning and reducing lanes, installing new sidewalks, parking spaces and landscapes are a part of the plan.
In November, the Homewood City Council approved an agreement to work with ALDOT, and now Homewood is waiting on approval from the state to begin. Engineering and design should be completed this year.
The Diverging Diamond
Work on this interchange should start this year. Plans are in the works for new on ramps onto I-65 at the Lakeshore Drive exit, along with a diverging diamond. The interchange will give drivers the opportunity to veer left onto the interstate without stopping. It will also allow traffic approaching Lakeshore from I-65 to merge instead of waiting for a light.
Other elements include:
- A single left turn lane from eastbound Lakeshore Parkway to Wildwood Parkway
- Right-in and right-out access at the Wildwood shopping center with Walmart and Sam’s Club
- Westbound and eastbound auxiliary lanes between Wildwood Parkway and the southbound I-65 ramp
Construction should start in 2018, according to the City of Homewood. This year’s budget includes $838,000 for the project, which should be complete in one year.

We’ll keep you posted with updates on traffic delays throughout the Birmingham-metro area. Check out other roadwork that’s going in around Birmingham, via this link.