Bham Now Instagram spotlight on Birmingham burgers
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Many of us have New Year’s resolutions that involve eating healthy. However, we couldn’t resist these amazing B’hamburgers. Yes, this city excels at gourmet food, but we make a mean burger as well!
“Why do we get so angry at ourselves when we eat foods we love? Do you think guys walk around going, ‘I just ate a cheeseburger and I’m so mad at myself?’ “- Martina McBride.
“Man who invented the hamburger was smart; man who invented the cheeseburger was a genius.”- Matthew McConaughey
“In my opinion, it has never been proven that food even has calories. When I bite into a hamburger, I see pickle and ketchup and bun and meat, but if there’s a calorie in there, it must be hidden. ” – W. Bruce Cameron
“As a writer, you have to be near people and hear stuff. I’m a hamburger and cheese kind of fellow; I’m not Henry David Thoreau.” – James McBride
“I often want things to make definite statements. If I order onions sliced thinly on my hamburger, I don’t want them to come out sort of medium. But that doesn’t mean it’s a reasonable desire, in all things.” – John Edgar Wideman
“Life is too short to miss out on the beautiful things like a double cheeseburger.”- Channing Tatum
“When I’m on a strict eating regimen, at some point I have to have French fries, a cheeseburger and some pizza. And Oreos and vanilla ice cream! “- Ciara.
Hungry yet? I am! At Bham Now we love all things Bham Instagram; food, pets, martinis, dive bars, our architecture and murals, and especially snow days!
What Birmingham InstaHams do you enjoy looking at? Let us know, and check back every Wednesday to see what we have discovered on Instagram.