Birmingham, here’s how to track Santa’s sleigh this Christmas Eve

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Christmas is almost here. Do you know how to track Santa during his magical sleigh ride around the world? If you’re looking for the 411 on Santa this year, check out our list of top websites and apps for all must-know Santa info.

Where is Santa right now? Find out with the This interactive website offers lots of holiday fun all year long. Kids can watch Santa and his reindeer LIVE on the Santa Snooper, help Elf Control track and talk to Santa during his famous flight around the world, and much more. The emailSanta tracker also offers many extra activities like coloring pages, a Christmas countdown, and holiday music. There is even a blog written by Old Saint Nick himself.

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Keeping tabs on Santa’s whereabouts is made easy with Tracking Santa from the North Pole since 1991, this website has been tracking the guy in red for 26 years – longer than anyone else online. Here you will discover the story of Santa, a countdown to Santa’s launch, and more. Don’t forget to check out Kringle Radio News to track Santa as he goes on his adventure around the world.

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NORAD Santa Tracker

North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has officially relaunched its much-loved Santa Tracker for 2017. On Christmas Eve, NORAD uses cutting-edge technology to help parents and kids track the movement of Santa’s sleigh as he delivers gifts all over the world. Visit and explore Santa’s workshop, listen to Christmas carols and play holiday-themed games.

You can also track Santa on the fly with the NORAD Tracks Santa Claus apps for both android and iphone.

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Google Santa Tracker app

Google has updated its Santa Tracker app so you can follow Santa during his journey across the globe. The update includes many things, like new games, Android TV support and more. As of now, there is not much Santa tracking to be done because this part of the app won’t unlock until December 24. In the meantime, though, more games and videos will unlock the closer it gets to Christmas Eve.

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Santa Video Call and Tracker app

Welcome to the North Pole Command Center! Available for iOS devices, the Santa Video Call and Tracker app lets you contact Santa via video call, voice call and text. It also allows you to track Santa as he delivers gifts to those on the nice list.

What’s especially cool about this app is its video call feature. You won’t find some lame video recording of Santa with this app. Instead, you’ll find a realistic simulated call. What’s even more amazing is that Santa knows all sorts of things about the person calling him, such as their name, age and favorite color. He even knows whether you have been naughty or nice. (Parental setup required.)

Santa Video Call and Tracker app. Photo via puts a unique spin on tracking Santa by allowing you to become an official Santa Tracker. Get the job and you’ll be employed to be Santa’s eyes and ears on the ground. You’ll be doing roof inspections, weather reports, surveying for sleigh landing sites, watching the skies for sleigh activity, and plenty more! But before you can become an official Santa Tracker and help others, you have to become an Elf first! Click here to apply for this truly amazing gig.

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Patience Itson
Patience Itson
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