Small business Monday – spotlight on Encouragement Encounters

Reading time: 5 minutes

Birmingham AL, business
photo via Kristina O’Quinn for Bham Now

Have you got something you’ve been dying to do, but just can’t get up the nerve for?  Need some encouragement to get your life going in a positive direction?  Sherri Ross shows folks their inner AWESOME in this week’s edition of Small Business Monday.

The name of my business is Encouragement Encounters. I sit down one-on-one with you and tell you how amazing you are. I call my Encouragement Encounters ‘pep talks for everyday life.’  Currently it’s just myself, but if business keeps booming, I’ll need some help soon.

I have a friend who had a lot going on her in life at one point. I found myself trying to help her, sometimes daily, out of a slump. I have also been in that place and she’s helped me in the same way. I started thinking about those who may not have friends like us who they can call or turn to when they are feeling down or going through something – big or small – and need a pick me up. That’s when the idea for Encouragement Encounters came to me. I first started Encouragement Encounters in December of 2016 with a Facebook post and page encouraging friends to make 2017 the best year ever!

Birmingham AL
photo via Sherri Ross

I want people to know that each Encouragement Encounter is completely customized for the client. There are many hours of magic that go into making each one personal for you. They also make great gifts! You can purchase an Encouragement Encounter for someone else. I have had husbands purchase them for their wives (and the mothers of their children) to give them an outside boost (kind of like a massage, but for and spirit), and I’ve also had sisters get them for each other. I can also do them remotely via Skype or Google Hangout.

I’m a GREAT cheerleader. If you need a pick me up, I’m your girl. I used to proclaim myself ‘Birmingham’s cheerleader’ and, while I still love to call myself that (silently), I’m more of ‘the people’s cheerleader’ now. If you are down and out or need lifting up, I’m your girl. I love telling people how amazing they are and it’s really not that hard. Everyone has something awesome about them.  I have helped people work on self confidence and even helped someone gain the confidence to get back to their passion for performing.
Birmingham AL
photo via Sherri Ross

The aspect of my business I’m most proud of is that I have a 100% satisfaction rate so far! My clients always leave feeling better then when they arrived. I want to you feel stronger, more confident, and happier then when you got there, if possible. So far, so good. I’m also a great problem solver, so if there’s one aspect of your life that is just really bogging you down, I do my best to help you come up with a plan for it so you can be successful. I also follow up after your Encouragement Encounter. There’s a lot that goes into an EE behind the scenes from the time you purchase one to well after our appointment…a lot of “magic” goes into an Encouragement Encounter that people have no idea about…they only see our meeting.

I want people to know that each Encouragement Encounter is completely customized for the client. There are many hours of magic that go into making each one personal for you. They also make great gifts! You can purchase an Encouragement Encounter for someone else. I have had husbands purchase them for their wives (and the mothers of their children) to give them an outside boost (kind of like a massage, but for and spirit), and I’ve also had sisters get them for each other. I can also do them remotely via Skype or Google Hangout.

The hardest thing about being a small business owner is only being one person and handling everything. But the most rewarding thing about being a small business owner is being my own boss and being able to help anyone I want!

Birmingham AL, business
photo via Sherri Ross

I first moved to Birmingham from Montgomery in 2004 and fell in love immediately. I left in 2007 for Northern Virginia/DC, but couldn’t stay away and returned in 2010 and have been here since. I’ve lived in Southside, Forest Park, downtown, and now Crestwood. Each part of Birmingham has its own charm and I have loved them all!

What I enjoy most about Birmingham is the community! The people are amazing, from local places and shops to causes to events. The community and everything in it is run by the people and the people here are amazing. They come together in a heartbeat when needed and the diversity here makes sure everyone has a voice.

I’m already seeing my hopes for the future of Birmingham happen…the possible pedestrian pathway downtown on 20th, better public transportation, growth and change in our political climate and candidates, and more. It’s an exciting time to be in Birmingham – the change that’s already happened and the change that’s coming. I’m glad to be RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW!

To find out more, visit

or contact Sherri at 205-907-3368.

Another recent small business post –

Kristina O'Quinn
Kristina O'Quinn
Articles: 81