Birmingham startups in final stretch of Velocity program
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Velocity Demo Day is just around the corner, and the nine startups are gearing up to present! In our last article, we introduced five companies. Here, we’re introducing the last four of the 2017 Velocity startups that will present at Iron City on Tuesday.
No longer a social faux pas? – via soyrural.esSerge Amouzou and Jeremy Feldman saw how many people were sick of waiting for the check at restaurants. Then they saw how many people use smartphones. When they put 2 and 2 together, and got Delect, a payment method and marketing tool for restaurants. Pay the check when you want and feel secure in your credit card’s security.
Big Data is, well, big. Financial institutions like banks and investment firms have to sift through a lot of data to find patterns and make predictions. Two former Regions Bank employees, Chris Aliotta and William Bryant, developed Quantalytix, which helps balance budgets and assess risks accurately and, unlike people, using all the data.

Neural networks aren’t just another buzzord. Useful for everything from watching movies to making movie magic, you might be using one now, without even realizing it! Jozef Marko and Lukas Ruttkay train virtual brains to sniff out what will and won’t go viral on social media, how it might, and why people like it. Using a proprietary mathematical algorithm, a machine learning interface, and lots and lots of training, LikelyAI offers social media marketing advice that follows trends, not gut instinct, to get an objectively correct answer to the question, “will the internet like this?”
Covalence software bootcamp wants to teach you to develop software. No, they don’t want to teach you to “code,” like so many YouTube stars might. Matt Landers’ company focuses on “training individuals with no prior experience to become junior level developers” prepared to join a company right after completing the program. Already, companies like Bank of America and UPS are hiring Covalence graduates.