Going viral – Denver Post gives 17 reasons to explore Birmingham
Reading time: 1 minute
The word is getting out. Birmingham is becoming a national “destination hotspot.”
Earlier this month, the Washington Post ran a story profiling Birmingham as a city to consider visiting in 2017.
That story is going viral.
Now, this weekend, the largest newspaper in the Mountain West, the Denver Post, has picked up the Washington Post story and re-published it.
Titled – 17 reasons to travel to Birmingham, Alabama soon – the Denver Post story is identical to the Washington Post article, except for the titles.
Five times larger, circulation-wise, than its nearest competitor in Colorado, the Denver Post is considered the Mountain West newspaper of record for the region.

So, don’t be surprised to see some visitors from the Rockies traveling to the Magic City this summer to see our historic places, parks, restaurants and stores.
Birmingham has been discovered.