Vestavia City Council put into motion Pedestrian Bridge

Connecting Wald Park to the Library in the Forest has been a hot topic since late October by the Vestavia city council.

Now, the vision rendered quite some time ago and first reported on by the Vestavia Voice has finally been put to vote.

A rendering of a proposed pedestrian bridge over U.S. 31 in Vestavia Hills.

The vote authorized $190,000 from the city to continue the furthering of this project.

The council will also decide whether or not to authorize an agreement for the pedestrian bridge project, which would construct a bridge over U.S. 31 to connect the Library in the Forest and Wald Park.

– Emily Featherson, Vestavia Voice

Although unsure as to the specific location, but simply giving you an idea of the general spot.
The location of the project.

Following the trend of the Magic City, it seems as if Vestavia also wants to strive toward a more accessible Bham, in terms of foot traffic.

Stay tuned to hear more of this project in the near future.

Wade Cline
Wade Cline

Marketing Producer at Bham Now, Tech Junkie, Foodie, Bham Lover, Movie Snob, Wannabe Quantum Physicist. You can likely find me either at Trim Tab Brewing or O'henry's Coffee in Homewood.

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