Innovation Hackathon 2016 – Health Care Meets Tech Guru’s

Birmingham is known for many things, but above others, UAB has created a massive presence with the Healthcare industry and the Innovation Depot has spurred a huge amount of growth through technology. 

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The two met last weekend for the 2nd annual Innovation Hack at the Velocity Accelerator – Here are the details…

Hackathon, started in 2015, brings together 100 healthcare, business, and tech guru’s for the sole purpose of solving problems, within the healthcare industry. 


Contestants are split into groups to collaborate, form proposals and thoughts on how innovation can happen, and lastly they present to audience. Among competition, networking is a huge part of this event, and the Velocity Accelerator could not be a better hosting spot.


1st. Place – Theodule Jean Baptiste, Jay Martin, Evita Payton and Rahul Thadani

2nd. Place – Josh  Arrage, Jon Berkery, Ahmed Dharani, and Alex Symeonides-Tsatsos

3rd Place (1) – (TIE) Wesley Brand, Rachel Hart, Patrick Rickert and Betsy Stewart

3rd Place (2) – Sheila Dyas, Danny El-Zein, Austin Jones and Pennie Lambert.

Photos provided by the Velocity Accelerator — View more here
Wade Cline
Wade Cline

Marketing Producer at Bham Now, Tech Junkie, Foodie, Bham Lover, Movie Snob, Wannabe Quantum Physicist. You can likely find me either at Trim Tab Brewing or O'henry's Coffee in Homewood.

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