More than a party: United Ability’s Vino & Van Gogh Wine and Art event on August 22 is life-changing. Tickets limited.

Powerful story behind America’s Got Talent Finalist Brian King Joseph. Live performance August 3 at United Ability’s Journey of Hope.

A fireman’s boot, telethons and fishbowl: stories by United Ability Journey of Hope honoree Ed Robinson

Dorothy Levy, founder of United Ability turns 107 this week. Wish her a Happy Birthday Birmingham!

Time is running out to help United Ability and 5 groups make distinctive car tag list. Deadline is May 31

See how a t-shirt can make a difference in Birmingham with families like the Paynes. Celebrate United Ability Day on May 17.

Move over Bo Jackson. Meet two-sport athlete Chris Biggins at United Ability’s abiliTEE on April 25

United Ability interns find success in jobs and life through Project SEARCH. Find out how.

‘It’s Me!’ Four-year-old Claire Haynie, the face of the United Ability car tag campaign

United Ability and Smart Solutions team up to open doors and enrich lives for people with disabilities

It’s Bo Time! Local Birmingham Bojangles’ are supporting United Ability

Inspirational glass Christmas ornaments re-discovered at United Ability are on sale

United Ability, one of Birmingham’s most treasured organizations turns 70 years old