Category Revitalization

“A pivotal moment for the city of Birmingham.” Something BIG is coming to Parkside

“A pivotal moment for the city of Birmingham.” Something BIG is coming to Parkside

Something huge is brewing in downtown Birmingham. Next September marks the 10 year anniversary of Railroad Park’s opening, and over the past decade, the area surrounding the park has taken on a life of its own. Some big players in…

Lincoln Theatre undergoes restoration in Bessemer. Learn about the revitalization of this “arts desert” and the women behind it. (PHOTOS)

Lincoln Theatre undergoes restoration in Bessemer. Learn about the revitalization of this “arts desert” and the women behind it. (PHOTOS)

Downtown Bessemer’s Lincoln Theatre is getting a facelift! Being restored to help revitalize the arts within the community, the Lincoln Theatre is a historic African American theatre in downtown Bessemer. Keep reading for more info on the project and the…