March, dance, sing and learn – it’s Earth Day in Alabama
Reading time: 3 minutes
April 22nd will be the 47th Earth Day Celebration around the world.
According to Earth Day Network, the idea for a national day to focus on the environment came to Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, after witnessing the ravages of the 1969 massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California.
Senator Nelson announced the idea for a “national teach-in on the environment” to the national media and persuaded Pete McCloskey, a conservation-minded Republican Congressman, to serve as his co-chair.
On April 22,1970, 20 million Americans took to the streets, parks, and auditoriums to demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment in massive coast-to-coast rallies.
Earth Day 1970 achieved a rare political alignment, enlisting support from Republicans and Democrats, rich and poor, city slickers and farmers, tycoons and labor leaders. By the end of that year, the first Earth Day had led to the creation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the passage of the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts. “It was a gamble,” Gaylord recalled, “but it worked.”
Starting today, conservation groups will be holding Earth Day celebrations throughout Alabama.
Here is a listing and descriptions of events:

April 20th – Alabama Environmental Council’s Green Tie Affair – The AEC is pulling off a “triple play” celebrating their 50th Anniversary as an organization, their 21st Green Tie Affair and an Earth Day celebration. Tickets are still on sale and will be available at the door.
April 21st – Dance Like There’s No Climate Change – Trim Tab Brewery is holding a couple of Earth Day events including this fundraiser for the Dynamite Hill-Smithfield Community Land Trust to buy tools for their Urban Agriculture effort.
April 22nd – Earth Day at the Gardens – One of the longest running Earth Day celebrations in the South, this year the Gardens will celebrate the legacy of Dr. George Washington Carver and kickoff The Gardens new partnership with KultureCity.
April 22nd –Earthbound’s Earthfest – The afternoon and evening of Saturday, April 22, 2017, Earthbound renews its highly-anticipated annual outdoor concert at Avondale Brewing Company benefiting the Black Warrior Riverkeeper.
April 22nd – Earth Day Sustainable Fashion Bazaar – TrimTab Brewing Company is partnering with local, sustainable focused vendors to raise money for the Alabama Rivers Alliance. Shop vintage and sustainable clothing and jewelry, and enter to win a variety of gifts and services.
April 22nd – Earth Day at the Canyon – Celebrate Earth Day with JSU Field Schools at the Little River Canyon Center. They will host hikes, crafts, and a day of fun.
April 22nd – Earth Day at the McWane Center – Join McWane in celebrating Earth with cool science programs and demonstrations.
April 22nd – Birmingham March for Science/Earth Day – The scientific community and support for the environment are joining forces.
Hope to see you at the many events across North-Central Alabama. Happy Earth!