Reviewed by: Caleb Turrentine
See live animals + more at the 24th Annual Salamander Festival on Jan. 25
Reading time: 2 minutes

The Salamander Festival is back this year to celebrate our slimy friends who migrate across the South Lakeshore area between Homewood High School and Samford University’s School of Art building.
Keep reading to learn more about this free event and the mission behind it.
What to expect at the Salamander Festival

Hosted by Friends of Shades Creek, a local nonprofit dedicated to preserving and protecting the 56-mile-long creek, this event offers a unique opportunity to learn about environmental awareness and conservation, with a special focus on the Homewood salamanders.
Open to all ages and free to the public, the festival will feature educational groups sharing insights on protecting local wildlife.
There will be plenty of fun activities for everyone to enjoy, including:
- Amphibian + reptile displays
- Nature hike to the salamander pools
- Live music + dancing
- Crafts
- Food trucks + Refreshments
Plus, there will be a special visit from Newton the Tiger Salamander, a rare and protected type of mole salamander that was found by two Leeds treatment plant employees who saved him from the shredder.
- When: Saturday, January 25 | 1:30-4:30PM
- Where: Homewood High School | 1901 S Lakeshore Dr S, Homewood, AL 35209
- Cost: Free, donations are encouraged
Why did the salamander cross the creek?

The Homewood Forest Preserve is home to various salamander species, with the Spotted Salamander being the most common.
Throughout the year, these fascinating creatures take refuge under rocks and logs.
However, on a warm, rainy night near the end of January, they venture out to migrate to nearby ponds for mating season.
During this time, you can often catch a glimpse of them crossing South Lakeshore, just east of Homewood High School.
Don’t miss the 24th Annual Salamander Festival Saturday, January 25th!
Have you seen a Homewood Salamander? Tag us @bhamnow to let us know!