See the new “Beetlejuice” mural behind Forstall Art Center in Birmingham

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Forstall Arts Center Mural
Birmingham’s latest mural draws inspiration from the 1988 film Beetlejuice. (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

At Bham Now, we love seeing local artists express their creativity through murals in The Magic City.

We caught up with Phillip Forstall, owner of Forstall Art Center, to learn more about the latest mural adorning the wall behind his store.

New “Beetlejuice” mural in downtown Birmingham

Forstall Arts Center Mural
Birmingham’s latest mural draws inspiration from the 1988 film Beetlejuice. (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

If you’re out for a walk in downtown Birmingham, you may notice a new mural on the alley off 20th Street North between 2nd and 3rd Ave.

The mural was painted by Shane B., a local tattoo artist with Non Stop Art Tattoo in Birmingham and a muralist with Mammoth Murals. Shane B. has worked on several outstanding works of art in The Magic City, including:

Beetlejuice Mural
Phillip Forstall of Forstall Art Supply. (Pat Byington / Bham Now)

The mural—which depicts characters and scenes inspired by the 1988 film Beetlejuice—is painted on a wall owned by Phillip Forstall of Forstall Art Supply.

“Shane is a friend of mine and comes out 2-3 times a year to repaint this wall. He’ll cover it up and do something different each time—it only takes him a couple of days to do it.”

Phillip Forstall, Owner, Forstall Art Center

In addition to Shane B.’s “Beetlejuice” mural, several other murals have been added to The Magic City’s walls lately, including:

What is your favorite mural in Birmingham? Tag us @bhamnow on social media to let us know!

Located behind Forstall Art Center

Forstall Arts Center Mural
The mural is located behind Forstall Art Center. (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

Swing by Forstall Art Center to see the new “Beetlejuice” mural for yourself!

Have you seen Shane B.’s new mural behind Forstall Art Center? Tag us @bhamnow to let us know!

Nathan Watson
Nathan Watson

Senior Content Producer + Photographer

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