How the 2 teens from Mountain Brook are faring + ways you can help

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Seacrest Beach
Seacrest Beach (Jordyn Davis / Bham Now)

On Friday, June 7, two teenage girls from Mountain Brook were injured in a shark attack at Fort Walton Beach in Florida.

Now, the Mountain Brook community is showing its support for these local teenagers.

Find out how you can help.

Prayers for Lulu Gribben, McCray Faust + Elisabeth Foley

Both Lulu Gribben and McCray Faust were vacationing in South Fort Walton when they were attacked by a shark. With the help of heroic citizens, the girls were pulled to the shore and aided by medical professionals.

Lulu is now out of surgery and recovering while McCray has been discharged, according to

Elisabeth Foley, a Virginia native, was also injured by a shark attack near the Fort Walton area and sustained serious injuries.

How you can help

You can support with the Mountain Brook community and help show your support for these women and their families.

Below are some ways you can help:

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims of the shark attacks.

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Jordyn Davis
Jordyn Davis
Articles: 126