Reviewed by: Nathan Watson
Behind the scenes with a local filmmaker + more about his latest project
Reading time: 3 minutes

Maximos Tatum is a local filmmaker trying to break into the world of film. Read on to learn about his latest projects and hopes for the future.
Fiction and film school

Raised in Birmingham, Maximos always had a passion for the creative arts. He grew up doing small acting gigs, which eventually turned into a career, causing him to be homeschooled at a very young age. From there, he became increasingly drawn to writing and directing films.
“I grew up as an actor. I was homeschooled before that and ended up doing local film and commercial work. I was sort of hesitant to go to college at first because my family didn’t have very much money. I wanted to make sure I had a really strong plan before I went. Then filming opportunities ended up just sort of falling into my lap.”
Maximos Tatum
The rest is history for Maximos. He started writing and directing more and eventually found his passion in life: bringing his ideas to the big screen.
Haunted Henry

Along with other works, Maximos slowly started developing and producing his films. He began recruiting local actors and actresses to work with him. He wanted to keep his films local because of his sentimental ties, especially to his latest project, “Haunted Henry.”
“Growing up, I was homeschooled as an actor and in a hybrid school program. Most of the other kids that were in this program were foster kids and they were frusturated. I had always found their situations really interesting. I’ve always understod the angle people take with foster care and orphans in media and it’s always a sort of sad but in most cases, these kids have the most personality.”
Maximos Tatum
With his ability to see different perspectives, Maximos began drafting his latest achievement: a story of a boy in the wrong place at the wrong time.
What can we expect to see from Maximos?
Maximos hopes to maintain a platform where he is able to continue creating. His main goal is to draw attention to his series so that he can continue with his show. Haunted Henry is now streaming on YouTube. Click here to watch the pilot. Interested in learning more about Maximus and his work? Click here to read his full biography.
Have you seen Haunted Henry? Who is your favorite character on the show (no spoilers!)? Tell us your thoughts by tagging us on Instagram at @bhamnow!