Keep Birmingham beautiful by planting a new tree for Arbor Day

Reading time: 2 minutes

East Lake
Arbor Day is a yearly celebration of the planting and preservation of trees. (Pat Byington / Bham Now)

According to Governor Ivey’s 2023 proclamation, February 19 through 25 is considered Arbor Week in Alabama. To get into the spirit, check out these local events in the Birmingham area where you can get free tree seedlings to plant and commemorate the holiday.

Plant a tree this Arbor Day weekend

Red leaves. Leaves turning. (Sabrina Palmer / Bham Now)
Alabama’s forests cover nearly 70% of the state. (Sabrina Palmer / Bham Now)

While most of our favorite holidays celebrate something in the past that is worth remembering, Arbor Day represents looking towards the future. The act of planting trees brings the hope of a more beautiful community—providing cleaner air, shade and a habitat for local critters.

1. Hoover’s 25th Annual Arbor Day celebration

This year marks the city of Hoover’s 25th Arbor Day celebration. Hosted by the Hoover Beautification Board at Aldridge Gardens, the event will feature tree giveaways, kids crafts, food trucks and more.

2. Alabaster Arbor Day tree distribution + celebration

Located at Veterans Park in Alabaster, this Arbor Day celebration includes music, prizes and—of course—free trees. With 166 trees and 200 saplings up for grabs, make sure you get there early to get your pick.

3. 32nd Annual Arbor Day celebration in Montevallo

Hosted by the Montevallo Arbor and Beautification Board, Montevallo’s annual Arbor Day celebration will feature hundreds of bare root tree seedlings ready to be picked up and planted. Seed varieties include Red Maple, Kousa Dogwood, American Elm and more.

4. Chelsea Arbor Day celebration

Come out to the Chelsea Community Center for a huge Arbor Day celebration. Alongside free tree seedlings and planting information, there will also be t-shirts, pottery, holiday mugs and more.

Happy Arbor Week, Birmingham!

Check out more Arbor Day events in the state:

How are you celebrating Arbor Day? Let us know on FacebookLinkedIn & Instagram!

Grace Howard
Grace Howard
Articles: 334