Job seekers: There are 19K+ job openings in the Greater Birmingham Area right now

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downtown birmingham, job openings
Birmingham sunrise (Bham Now)

Birmingham, it’s a great time to look for your next job. According to, the Birmingham-Hoover area has over 19K job openings. Keep reading to learn about the job market and discover which local companies are hiring.

Bham Now’s current featured job listings

Alabama’s unemployment rate is lower than national average

According to the Alabama Department of Labor Market Information Division, Alabama had an unemployment rate of 2.4% in November, which is 1.3% less than the national average. Let’s keep it up, Bham!

Birmingham job market by the numbers

No need to be worried about competition. According to AlabamaWorks!, there are 3,556 candidates for 21,738 job openings. Go explore the market—we think you have a pretty good chance of getting hired.

These companies have job openings RIGHT NOW

Priority Veteran, United Way of Central Alabama
Lexus Williams, Case Manager at Priority Veteran (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

While healthcare companies have the highest demand for employees in the area, there are many more career opportunities, including retail and finance.

Here are the top 10 employers in Birmingham with the most job openings, according to

  1. The University of Alabama at Birmingham: 910
  2. UAB Medicine: 426
  3. Tenet Healthcare: 372
  4. Dollar General: 329
  5. Grandview Medical Center: 302
  6. Children’s of Alabama: 258
  7. Hibbett Sports: 235
  8. Ascension: 182
  9. Right at Home: 163
  10. State Farm: 158

Looking for more amazing companies in The Magic City? Check out these can’t-miss opportunities:

We wish you the best of luck on your job hunt! PS—Huntsville has over 13K job openings.

Looking for a job? Check out our job listings. If you’re an employer, post your open positions here.

Callie Morrison
Callie Morrison
Articles: 387