Activate Games opening NEW Birmingham location in December

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(Activate Birmingham)
(Activate Birmingham)

Activate Games—a new interactive gaming experience—is opening their first-ever Alabama location in Vestavia Hills along Montgomery Highwa. Read on to learn about Activate Games and their grand opening on Friday, December 15.

What is Activate?

According to their website, Activate is the world’s first active gaming facility. Not sure what that means? Rather than playing with a traditional controller or even a Virtual Reality (VR) headset, Activate lets you play arcade-style games by jumping over lasers, climbing glowing walls and more. The games—which challenge players’ agility, problem solving, speed and skill—take place in eleven interactive rooms:

  • ControlIn this room, players will use an elevated pedestal to navigate through multiple games and levels.
  • Grid (x2) — The grid consists of 256 pressure-sensitive tiles that light up in a variety of colors. Players must step on or avoid certain tiles to complete the level.
  • LaserPlayers carefully maneuver their way through a changing sequence of lasers. Each stage has a limited amount of time for players to cross to the safe zone on the other side. Avoid tripping a laser beam to achieve the highest score.
  • HidePlayers race around the room to complete sequences along 26 neopixel boards, all while avoiding being detected by four large, motion-sensing eyes.
  • Mega GridTwice the size of Grid, Mega Grid features 20 buttons with their own screens.
  • Strike (x2) — Similar to digital dodgeball, this room requires players to strike glowing hexagon wall targets to win.
  • HoopsPlayers aim to score on specific baskets that light up in a variety of different colors, patterns and sequences.
  • PressIn this room players will be surrounded by walls of multi-colored buttons. To clear the stage, players must hit the buttons in correct patterns—memorization and communication is key!
  • Portals — A game of communication and coordination, Portals requires players to toss a ball around the room while identifying the correct pipe to place the ball. Be warned—once the game starts, you only have 5 seconds to put the ball in the next pipe!

Activate recommends that players wear flat-footed shoes and reserve a spot online—although they do accept walk-ins.

Coming to Birmingham in December

(Carter Matthews / Bham Now)
(Carter Matthews / Bham Now)

Currently, Activate lists eight locations in Canada and nine locations in the U.S., including:

  • Atlanta, Georgia
  • Charlotte, North Carolina
  • Chicago, Illinois
  • Dallas, Texas
  • Gatlinburg, Tennessee
  • Houston, Texas
  • Lexington, Kentucky
  • Louisville, Kentucky
  • East Rutherford, New Jersey

Activate’s newest location—and its first in Alabama—will be located along Montgomery Highway in Vestavia Hills, across the road from Mark’s Outdoors. Activate plans to open the Vestavia Hills location on Friday, December 15.

“We are thrilled to be joining the Birmingham community and offer a new hub for entertainment. Our high-tech games test teams’ agility across hundreds of real-life challenges. It’s the perfect spot for a fun night out with family and friends.”

Activate partner Bryce Anderson stated in a press release

Planning to check out Activate Games’ location in Vestavia Hills when they open on December 15? Tag us @bhamnow to let us know!

Nathan Watson
Nathan Watson

Senior Content Producer + Photographer

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