Everything you need to know about the 3rd Annual Mitchell’s Place Dragon Boat Race + Festival—August 19

Reading time: 4 minutes


Dragon Boat
Ready to race? (Jacob Blankenship / Bham Now)

The 3rd annual Mitchell’s Place Dragon Boat Race and Festival is coming up soon. 31 days, but who’s counting? We can hardly contain our excitement, and after reading all about it, we’re sure you won’t be able to either. Keep scrolling to learn more about Mitchell’s Place, the Dragon Boat Race and Festival and how you can get involved.

It benefits Mitchell’s Place

This year’s Mitchell’s Place Dragon Boat Race and Festival is sponsored by Medical Properties Trust and directly supports Mitchell’s Place, which specializes in improving the lives of children with autism and other developmental disabilities and focuses on early learning for preschool-aged children.

The entire mission of Mitchell’s Place centers around serving families. In doing this, they provide comprehensive, research-based services.

The 3rd annual Mitchell’s Place Dragon Boat Race and Festival is a chance to raise awareness for early intervention and autism spectrum disorder—but with a fun twist.

You can build your dream team and compete

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Your team could take home the prize. (Mitchell’s Place)

It’s not every day you can witness dragon boat races. So, take this opportunity to let your competitive side out, build your own paddling team and race against other Birmingham natives.

You’ll be competing for team prizes such as:

  • 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for the races
  • Best Drummer
  • Best Tent Decorations
  • Most Team Spirit
  • Most Money Raised (Teams will have the opportunity to raise money ahead of time and the day of).

There’s space for 25 teams. The deadline to register your team is Friday, July 28, so sign up now!

What are dragon boats?

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Paddles up. (Mitchell’s Place)

Wondering what dragon boats are? Easy—a boat that resembles a dragon, intending for racing. Here are some things to know:

  • They are 46-feet long.
  • Each dragon boat has colorful scales, with a dragon head and tail. 
  • Teams are made up of 20 paddlers and one costumed drummer. 

Why a drummer? Each team’s drummer helps lead their crew of paddlers to the finish line using rhythmic drum beats that indicate the speed and synchronicity of the paddlers’ strokes. The costumes are just fun!

There’s a Bloody Mary contest

It’s time for you to show off your cocktail-making skills and compete in the Tito’s Handmade Vodka Bloody Mary contest hosted by Mitchell’s Place Junior Board.

Registration is $25, supplies are provided and your team has a chance to win “People’s Choice” or “Best Overall Bloody Mary.”

The best part—tasting tickets will be available to each guest 21 years and older, while supplies last. Donations for Mitchell’s Place are being accepted in substitution of a ticket purchase. 

You might recognize a sponsor

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Did we just become best friends? (Mitchell’s Place)

That’s right—many Birmingham businesses support the mission of Mitchell’s Place and like to have fun while doing it.

“Brasfield & Gorrie is passionate about serving our communities, and our team members are involved with numerous nonprofits throughout our footprint. Mitchell’s Place is a fantastic organization whose mission and services have directly impacted some of our employees, including me. We’ve participated in—and won—the dragon boat race for the past two years, and it’s one of the most fun local events we are involved in. Our team loves coming together and having a good time to benefit an important cause.”

Paul Garrick, Brasfield & Gorrie

If you and your organization want to become a sponsor, good news! You can sign up here and directly support Mitchell’s Place.

Expect local vendors

Dragon Boats Festival
Mitchell’s Place Dragon Boat Race and Festival is supported by dozens of local Bham businesses. (Mitchell’s Place)

No event is complete without food and some shopping, and the offerings available at Mitchell’s Place Dragon Boat Race and Festival have never disappointed. The full list of food trucks and vendors is in the works, but you can keep up with Mitchell’s Place for the reveal.

As you cheer on the races, be sure to stroll East Lake Park to visit the kids’ zone, Merchant Market and more.

Event Details

What: 3rd annual Mitchell’s Place Dragon Boat Race and Festival
Saturday, August 19 | 8AM-2PM
East Lake Park, 8101 4th Ave N, Birmingham, AL
Cost: Festival – free admission

Can’t attend? You can still help Mitchell’s Place continue their mission to provide comprehensive, research-based services for children with autism spectrum disorder. Donate here.

Learn more about Mitchell’s Place and how they help kids and families across the Greater Birmingham Area by visiting their website and following them on Facebook + Instagram!

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Callie Morrison
Callie Morrison
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