BREAKING: Trussville Entertainment District is now an open container area

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Trussville entertainment district is now open container
Many Trussville residents are excited about their entertainment district being an open container area. (Patience Itson / Bham Now)

As of Thursday, June 1, Trussville Entertainment District is officially an open container area. This district has seen tremendous growth, and residents are excited about the developments in their community. Keep reading to learn more about this ordinance.

What does this mean for Trussville?

Trussville Entertainment District is known for bringing the community together with fun, inclusive food and event spots. In addition to the many restaurants and retail shops to choose from, this district also has an amphitheater, a huge pavilion and green space and a big-screen TV.

Lieutenant Chuck Bradford with Trussville police gave us all the details about what this means for the city and what it took to get the ordinance approved.

“It takes four businesses with alcohol licenses to establish an entertainment district. We are fortunate that we’ve had several restaurants take off within the past couple of years and could finally kick off the entertainment district.”

Lt. Chuck Bradford, Business Services, Trussville police

Now being an open container area, Trussville Entertainment District needs to follow guidelines that ensure safety for all businesses and customers. Some include:

  • An open container purchased from one establishment cannot be carried into another establishment.
  • All alcohol must be in a clear container with the name/logo of the business it was purchased from.
  • Each establishment gives a paper or digital receipt that customers must keep while transporting beverages.

These guidelines only continue to strengthen the community and the fun times that are guaranteed at this district. Bradford continued to express his support for this ordinance and for the City of Trussville as a whole.

“This has created an atmosphere where anyone can go to the restaurant of their choosing, order a drink and transfer that to the pavilion to watch a game, a concert or spend time with family and friends.”

Lt. Chuck Bradford, Business Services, Trussville police
What are your thoughts on this new open container ordinance? Let us know on Facebook + Instagram!
Callie Morrison
Callie Morrison
Articles: 384