How one social worker goes above and beyond for patients + how YOU can help families in crisis

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social services Team How one social worker goes above and beyond for patients + how YOU can help families in crisis
The social services department at Children’s. (Children’s of Alabama)

Did you know that March is National Social Work Month? Melissa Beukelman has worked at Children’s of Alabama for over 12 years as a social services team leader in the Pediatric ICU and told us all about why she chose social work, what it means to her and how we can help the patients coming in and out of Children’s. Keep reading to learn more and get involved.

Why social work?

social work children's
Melissa Beukelman has been at Children’s for 12 years. (Children’s of Alabama)

For Melissa, a career in social work was a subconscious decision that naturally melded her talents for interpersonal relationships, curiosity about human behavior and a drive to fix systemic problems.

Here’s how she describes her role: a person who removes barriers to care, allowing families to place their focus on the well being of the patient.

“We identify strengths, supports and community agencies to help families with areas of need. We work as liaisons with the medical team—often bridging the family’s understanding of needs with the medical team’s concerns and working to establish a safe and successful discharge plan.”

Melissa Beukelman, Social Services Team Leader, Children’s of Alabama

Like most careers, social work is both a challenging and rewarding field. Although Melissa meets people during what could be described as one of the worst times of their lives, she is so grateful for the number of people who have trusted her enough to share their perspectives and concerns and allowed her to help them.

“Knowing that I have made an impact in their lives makes me proud and hopeful that others will benefit. I have often advocated and helped provide community education to bring awareness to some of the social issues that bring patients to Children’s for care.”

Melissa Beukelman, Social Services Team Leader, Children’s of Alabama

You can help make an impact on patients too

IMG 9979 How one social worker goes above and beyond for patients + how YOU can help families in crisis
The Care Closet at Children’s of Alabama. (Children’s of Alabama)

The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) sees patients who are critically ill, and their families are often in crisis mode. Social workers like Melissa are there to help stabilize families so that their main focus can remain their child’s needs. One of the most important factors of making this happen is caring for their physical needs. According to Melissa, that’s where you can get involved.

“There is a significant need for community involvement and support in the PICU and The Shine Clinic, the two areas where I work.

It’s amazing how the community providing resources, like donating to our Care Closet, helps us to quickly establish rapport with families, allowing us to truly learn about them, and calms the family to speak confidently with medical staff about the child’s needs instead of being self-conscious of their appearance.”

Melissa Beukelman, Social Services Team Leader, Children’s of Alabama

Here’s how it works. Through charitable donations, the Social Work department at Children’s has The Care Closet that supplies items such as:

The Care Closet is utilized by social workers from every department at Children’s on a daily basis. Shoes and clothing items are frequently needed, but are not always readily available.

The Care Closet provides over 400 families in crisis with essential items each year. These donations allow those who arrive at the hospital with a child after an emergency to have the essentials they may need for their child, as well as themselves, free of charge. 

Children’s gives a special thanks to Hibbett Sports and Puma for their recent donations to The Care Closet.

Want to make a difference in the lives of patients at Children’s? Donate to The Care Closet. *Where can people drop off items?

Social work is a challenging + rewarding field

IMG 9990 How one social worker goes above and beyond for patients + how YOU can help families in crisis
The Care Closet helps make social workers like Melissa’s jobs possible. (Children’s of Alabama)

Working in such a challenging field requires a supportive community and work environment, and Children’s have given Melissa just that. She’s has felt supported in her professional development since her first day 12 years ago.

“I could not be more grateful to be a member of Social Services at Children’s. They have supported me as I’ve grown through my career providing excellent patient care, educating the future of medical social work and and now, as a Social Work team leader. 

The medical teams I have worked with value my opinions and actively include me in critical conversations regarding patient care.”

Melissa Beukelman, Social Services Team Leader, Children’s of Alabama

Learn more about The Care Closet and the open positions at Children’s of Alabama.


Callie Puryear
Callie Puryear
Articles: 392