The Kiwanis Club of Birmingham prepares for Read Across America

Reading time: 2 minutes

Kiwanis Reads FH The Kiwanis Club of Birmingham prepares for Read Across America
Kiwanis Reads initiative volunteers to read to 400 preschool students in Birmingham. (Kiwanis Club of Birmingham)

The Kiwanis Club of Birmingham continues its tradition of hosting a preschool literacy program by reading to hundreds of Birmingham preschoolers this Thursday, March 2 on Read Across America Day. For more information on the Kiwanis Reads program and Read Across America, keep reading.

Kiwanis Reads

thumbnail Kiwanis Reads Jennifer Chandler The Kiwanis Club of Birmingham prepares for Read Across America
Jennifer Chandler reads to class during Read Across America week. (Kiwanis Club of Birmingham)

Kiwanis Reads provides an opportunity for children to collect books, encourages them to learn to read and helps build a foundation for achieving academically. This initiative aims to inspire a generation of readers across the Birmingham area.

Through the Kiwanis Reads initiative, Kiwanians volunteer to read books to 400 local preschool students twice a year. After the book is read to the classroom, children are given a copy of the book with a link to a recording of a Kiwanian reading the book.

Special readers include:

  • Randall Woodfin, Mayor of Birmingham
  • Mark Pettway, Jefferson County Sheriff
  • Crystal Smitherman, Birmingham City Council President Pro Tem

On Thursday, Kiwanians will be reading to preschool students at various partnering agencies such as:

In a news release from the Kiwanis Club of Birmingham, the executive director spoke on the goals behind the Kiwanis Reads program.

β€œWe hope to help children develop a love for reading and to let their imaginations soar. We are thankful for this opportunity to give them the gift of reading.”

Honora Gathings, Executive Director, Kiwanis Club of Birmingham

Read Across America

Read Across America is an annual event celebrated on March 2, which is the birthday of children’s author Dr. Seuss. Created by the National Education Association (NEA) to promote literacy and encourage a love of reading among children, Read Across America is recognized in educational systems nationwide.

Birmingham is one of many cities dedicated to educating the newest generation of readers.

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Callie Morrison
Callie Morrison
Articles: 402