Reviewed by: Nathan Watson
Birmingham approves rezoning former Western Supermarket site to make way for 272 apartment units
Reading time: 2 minutes

The Birmingham City Council unanimously approved rezoning Highland Plaza—the former site of the Western Supermarket on Highland Avenue—to make way for approximately 272 “for rent” apartment units and a limited amount of retail.
The properties were re-zoned from General Business District to Qualified Mixed Use High District. They are located at 2230 Highland Avenue South, 2174 11th Court South and 1128 22nd Street South.
Presently, Taj India and the Highland Package Store occupy the plaza, which was built in the 1930s.

What Are the Plans?
According to the presentation by the city’s planning staff, here is what to expect at this prominent spot.
- Height of the building—68 feet
- 272 unit luxury multifamily apartment development
- 373 space accessory parking garage.
- Outdoor pool and outdoor courtyard for residents
- Less than 10,000 feet for retail
Stormwater and Traffic
After the presentation, Councilors Carol Clarke and Darrell O’Quinn asked for assurances that the new project will not increase local stormwater and traffic issues. Administration staff spoke on the two issues and said there should not be any problems.
According to Daniel Corporation—the developer of the project—they expect to hold a groundbreaking by this Summer.
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