Hoover City Schools + City of Hoover partnering to improve local ball fields—new turf, new restrooms + more

hoover city schools
Big news for the City of Hoover. (Hoover City Schools)

The City of Hoover and the Hoover City Schools (HCS) announced an exciting partnership with a goal of increasing sports tourism opportunities, improving local athletes’ playing experience and reducing budget costs for maintenance throughout the city. Keep reading to learn more.

All the details

311928664 10160270145665406 6593979809457760187 n Hoover City Schools + City of Hoover partnering to improve local ball fields—new turf, new restrooms + more
An exciting partnership. (Hoover City Schools)

This historic $9 million partnership will include the following improvements to Spain Park and Hoover High School:

  • New turf on school baseball fields plus seven city baseball fields
  • Turf on softball fields
  • Drainage improvements to athletic fields

Meeting the city’s needs

In a news release from the City, The mayor, the council and leaders from the school system agreed that this collab is a big win for youth sports and sports tourism in Hoover.

“The Hoover Board of Education and I are fortunate to be able to work collaboratively with city leaders to meet the needs of Hoover City Schools students and youth in the city as a whole. We are thankful for the city’s generous investment in our schools. We anxiously look forward to our student-athletes and the community enjoying the much-needed improvements on the way at the ball fields.”

Dr. Dee O. Fowler, Superintendent, Hoover City Schools

The new and upgraded fields will be a huge asset for the schools as well as the city as a whole. In addition to improving the playing experience for student athletes at these schools, the investment will allow the city to schedule more activities and events on the fields, increasing sports tourism and bringing in more tourism dollars.

The City of Hoover and HCS are working to finalize dates for the improvements to begin.

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Callie Puryear
Callie Puryear
Articles: 392