Re-Vision Linn Park shares latest design concepts [Photos]

Reading time: 3 minutes

REV Birmingham / Linn Park Re-Vision
Inside Linn Park, one of Birmingham’s oldest public parks. (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

On Tuesday, October 4th, the organizations behind Re-Vision Linn Park unveiled an up-to-date design concept for the renovation of Linn Park. We attended this third and final public workshop to learn more about the project.

What is Re-Vision Linn Park?

REV Birmingham / Linn Park Re-Vision
A coalition of public and private partners is looking to bring new life to Linn Park. (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

Located in the municipal center of Birmingham, Linn Park is an extremely valuable public space. Bordered by Birmingham City Hall, the Jefferson County Courthouse, the Linn-Henley Research Library, Boutwell Auditorium and the Birmingham Museum of Art, Linn Park is the city’s primary civic space.

In May, a coalition of public and private partners came together to brainstorm a new vision for Linn Park. The Re-Vision Linn Park Steering Committee included representatives from The Mayor’s Office of Social Justice and Racial Equity, Birmingham Museum of Art, The Friends of Linn Park, The City of Birmingham Parks & Recreation, The Philip Morris Fund for Design Art and REV Birmingham.

REV Birmingham / Linn Park Re-Vision
Linn Park in Birmingham. (Nathan Watson / Bham Now)

New Design Concepts Revealed

Over the eight-month planning process, the Re-Vision Linn Park committee sought input from the community through two public workshops and two public surveys. At their third and final public workshop—held on October 4—the team shared their most up-to-date renderings and plans for Linn Park.

According to Jim Burnett, President of OJB, the current design for Linn Park includes:

  • Space for food trucks
  • A children’s playground
  • A space for the Jefferson County Memorial
  • Monument gardens
  • Public restrooms
  • An interactive fountain
  • A park cafe & community room
  • A performance pavilion & green space

Although this was the final public workshop, David Fleming of REV Birmingham noted that the design process was not over just yet.

“What we’ve seen today, these renderings, are not a finalized thing. We started this process wanting to unite and excite our community around a vision for this space. So taking all that we’ve heard from you and applying it to the design is going to be the job of the steering committee.”

David Fleming, President & CEO, REV Birmingham

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Nathan Watson
Nathan Watson

Senior Content Producer + Photographer

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