Hailey challenged herself for better results + Orangetheory didn’t disappoint

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OTphoto3 1 Hailey challenged herself for better results + Orangetheory didn't disappoint
Hailey Lann completed Orangetheory’s Transformation Challenge for the second year in a row and she crushed it! Photo via Matthew Niblett for Bham Now

A couple of months ago, Birmingham resident Hailey Lann decided to put her competitive nature to the test during Orangetheory’s 2021 Transformation Challenge. Now a veteran of two Transformation Challenges, we checked-in to learn about Hailey’s triumphs (notice how we didn’t add defeats!).

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CU48 1 Hailey challenged herself for better results + Orangetheory didn't disappoint

Push it, push it to the limit, limit

Spoilers out of the way first—Hailey crushed the 2021 Transformation Challenge like a grape. Even though she knew what to expect this time for how the Challenge works, it still pushed her to reach new goals based on her previous experience in 2020’s challenge.

“It was different from the first time, because I knew more about which areas I should push myself. For example, we had three benchmark days. Throughout the 2021 Transformation Challenge, I was able to get PRs (Personal Records) on all three of those days.”

Hailey Lann, member, Orangetheory Fitness Downtown

After eight weeks of coming to class at least three times a week, Hailey decreased her body fat percentage by 1.3% and gained 3.5 pounds of muscle. We’ll pause here to let you clap, snap or let out a “Go Hailey!”

The second go-’round of competing in the Challenge affirmed this is a program that works—see for yourself when you sign up for your first FREE class.

“This is the only workout routine I’ve ever found that I’ve been able to not only stick with but enjoy. I attribute that to the coaches and the general environment here.

So, if someone is struggling with trying to find something that works for them, I would definitely recommend trying Orangetheory. They might find what I found.”

Hailey Lann

You snooze you lose win

OT photo Hailey challenged herself for better results + Orangetheory didn't disappoint
Hailey not only reached her physical goals, but improved her life outside the studio as well. Photo via Matthew Niblett for Bham Now

We love that Hailey got the results she was looking for, but an equally important part of the 2021 Transformation Challenge is how it affects your life outside the studio—mentally and emotionally.

The InBody Scanner told her which physical goals she accomplished, but look at what else was happening during these eight weeks:

✅ Hailey sleeps like a rock. (While feeling as strong as The Rock.)

✅ She purchased an air fryer and uses it for new healthy recipes with zucchini and squash—yum!

✅ Her heart rate stabilizes much faster now.

We’re all in this together

High School Musical references aside, it’s true that when you join Orangetheory you’re adopted into the Fit Fam. Fellow members act as accountability partners. For Hailey, she had two friends and her sister running by her side throughout the Challenge.

Orangetheory’s daily workouts are the same across each studio and allow members to go through everything together—the good, the bad and the sweaty. This made it easy for Hailey to connect with her friends on how the program was going, even though they didn’t go to the same classes or even the same studios.

“(It’s great) being able to text with them ‘Hey, it was a really great endurance class today’ and the friend say, ‘I am in the class in two hours, that’s good to hear.’ Having the same classes, no matter what time of day and no matter what studio you go to, has been a cool experience and talking to friends about what’s going on.

Hailey Lann

Can’t stop, won’t stop

2021 Transformation Challenge
Just because the Transformation Challenge is over doesn’t mean the fitness journey is. Photo via Mary Fehr for Bham Now

The 2021 Transformation Challenge is over, but your fitness journey is ready to catapult at any time. It doesn’t have to be three times a week for eight weeks—start by talking with a coach and nailing down a personal plan.

“Share your desires or goals with a coach. Coaches can assist with achieving those goals and holding you accountable to what you want for yourself.

An example might be that you want to move from being a power walker to a jogger—coaches can help you, step-by-step, work toward that goal. So overall, if you have a goal, share it with a coach. They’ll be your biggest cheerleader in accomplishing the goal and will celebrate big with you when you hit it.”

Nigel Whitt, Head Coach, Orangetheory Downtown Birmingham

If Hailey’s story inspired you, try going into a competition with yourself and join Orangetheory for your first free class. You may end up finding a whole new person on the other side.

“Eight weeks is just a short period of time. Being able to look at progress from last year’s Transformation Challenge to now and seeing what a difference a year can make gets me excited about where I’ll be in six months and where we’ll all be a year from now. It’s really exciting.”

Hailey Lann

Find what Hailey found when you visit your local Orangetheory studio in Alabama:

Let’s kick-off spring with a bang! Sign up for your first FREE class today:

CU48 1 Hailey challenged herself for better results + Orangetheory didn't disappoint

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orangetheory Hailey challenged herself for better results + Orangetheory didn't disappoint

Irene Richardson
Irene Richardson
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