Birmingham physician Dr. Jade Brice shares how Auburn’s PEMBA program elevated her practice


Auburn EMBA
Dr. Jade Brice, graduate of Auburn Physicians Executive MBA. Photo via Nathan Watson for Bham Now

For physicians looking to take more control of the business side of healthcare, Auburn University offers a Physicians Executive MBA aimed toward teaching the skills needed to assume a leadership position within healthcare. We spoke with Dr. Jade Brice Roshell, the Chief Medical Officer at Shelby Baptist Medical Center and graduate of the Auburn Physicians Executive MBA, to learn more about the program.

What is an Executive MBA?

Auburn EMBA
Dr. Jade Brice Roshell’s graduating cohort at Auburn PEMBA. Photo via Dr. Brice Roshell

Auburn’s executive MBA programs are designed for working professionals who cannot pause their careers. The program format blends short on-campus residencies and distance learning, and the executive options are tailored specifically to those with eight or more years of professional experience (Executive MBA) and to physicians who desire to develop new expertise to manage the business of medicine (Physicians Executive MBA). While the Executive MBA brings together students of diverse professional backgrounds, the Physicians Executive MBA is a physician-only cohort, with the hybrid format providing the development of business skills while working within the constraints of a doctor’s demanding schedule.  

Want to learn more about the Auburn EMBA program? Click here to discover opportunities.

Meet Dr. Jade Brice Roshell

Dr. Jade Brice Roshell
Dr. Jade Brice, graduate of Auburn PEMBA. Photo via Nathan Watson for Bham Now

No matter your job title or field, an MBA will help you better understand the intricacies of your day-to-day business environment. Just ask Dr. Jade Brice Roshell, the Chief Medical Officer at Shelby Baptist Medical Center.

When did you first hear about Auburn’s Physicians Executive MBA (PEMBA), and how did you know it was the right fit for you?

Dr. Brice Roshell: “Around 2015, I was living and working as a Hospitalist in Omaha, Nebraska. I had been interested in pursuing my MBA for a while, and I knew that I wanted to find a program that specialized in healthcare.

At the time, I only found two schools that offered a physician-focused executive MBA. I decided to take a leap of faith and apply for Auburn’s PEMBA program.”

What were you thinking going into the program?

Dr. Brice Roshell: “Honestly, I was nervous about not having a traditional business background. For most physicians, there is a lot more to being a good doctor than just taking care of patients. You need to have a basic knowledge of many business aspects, things like marketing, finance, accounting and more. I was excited to broaden my horizons and bring even more back to my patients.”

What was your classroom experience like at Auburn PEMBA?

Dr. Brice Roshell: “My class was made up entirely of physicians, so we all had that in common. But our experiences differed greatly—some of us have private practices, others were hospitalists and more. But we shared that common thread of being a physician and working to succeed in an ever-changing healthcare landscape. We were able to bounce ideas off of each other based on each of our unique experiences.”

Dr. Brice
While in Australia as part of the Auburn PEMBA program, Dr. Brice Roshell got to scuba in the crystal-clear waters! Photo via Dr. Brice Roshell

When you look back on your time at Auburn, what experiences stand out?

Dr. Brice Roshell: “Definitely our trip to Australia! Most Auburn graduate business programs have an international elective, and my class traveled to Australia for a little under two weeks. We studied international healthcare, visited various sites and heard from a number of people in healthcare in Australia. It was a really invaluable experience for me.”

How have the skills and experiences you gained at Auburn PEMBA affected your career since graduation?

Dr. Brice Roshell: “I attribute my increased awareness about the day-to-day business aspects of my career to my education at Auburn PEMBA. I actually got a promotion within a year of finishing my degree—I am now the Chief Medical Officer at my hospital!”

Want to accelerate your career with the help of Auburn Executive MBA programs?

Auburn EMBA
Learn how you can meet koalas while accelerating your career with Auburn PEMBA! Photo via Dr. Brice Roshell

If you’re looking to gain a better understanding of the business world, Auburn’s executive MBA programs are just what you’re looking for. To learn more,  schedule an appointment with their program admission advisor today.

Since the Auburn executive MBA program considers professional experience rather than standardized test scores, applicants are NOT required to take a GMAT or GRE test. 

If you’d like to be part of the class of Fall 2021, you can apply to the Auburn Physicians Executive MBA program online

To learn more about Auburn’s Raymond J. Harbert College of Business and to see what their students get to experience, check them out on FacebookInstagramTwitterYouTube and LinkedIn.

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Nathan Watson
Nathan Watson

Senior Content Producer + Photographer

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