Boulo uses tech to match women + jobs—invest now with as little as $100

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woman working
Who doesn’t want flexible work these days? Photo via Unsplash

Ever wondered why women leave the workforce to care for children rather than finding a job that works with their schedules? Birmingham’s Boulo realized that employers were missing out on an untapped goldmine of highly-skilled labor. So, they built a tech-powered job-matching platform built by and for women. Keep reading to find out all the details, plus how you can own a piece of this local startup for only $100.

The basics

many paths
A lot of women’s resumes don’t reflect a 100% linear career progression. Graphic via Boulo

According to Boulo, the hiring system for working moms is broken. Why? Hiring managers typically look for a linear employment history, which often doesn’t happen when moms take time out to have and care for children.

When working moms do decide to enter the workforce, they’re up against technology-driven hiring barriers that end up keeping them out of the talent pool. The result—talented moms lose out on opportunities while companies lose out on all-star employees.

What is Boulo?

Boulo is a Birmingham-based startup whose goal is to bring an enormous pool of overlooked talent back into the workforce. Their AI-driven platform connects smart, driven women to companies offering jobs with flexible schedules. This way, everybody wins.

Who’s it for?

percentage of women who want to work
A full 60% of women’s non-linear resumes are held against them. Boulo is changing that. Graphic via Boulo

Talent (working moms) and businesses. Accountants, marketers, admins, sales reps, creatives, project managers, copywriters and more.

Why it matters

According to Standard & Poor Global, “getting more women into the workforce can increase the US economy by $842B.” Now more than ever before, there’s an opportunity to do just that. 

Since March 2020, companies everywhere have had to reinvent how they work, opening up way more space for flexibility and at-home jobs. Boulo was already on the path to this new world, helping to match flexible talent with available positions. Now, they’re poised for growth.

Who’s behind Boulo?

Delphine Carter of Boulo
Delphine Carter is at the helm of Boulo, as their CEO. Photo via Delphine Carter

Delphine Carter, CEO, is a Shipt and Daxko alum who’s now at the helm of Boulo. Fun fact: Delphine’s mom is French, and the name Boulo comes from boulot, the French slang word for job. You can meet the rest of the all-women team here.

How does it work?

How Boulo works
It’s all in the matching. Graphic via Boulo
  • Job-seekers sign up through the member portal.
  • The member portal guides talent through a set of questions.
  • The platform builds a talent profile based on the person’s skills, experience, interests and availability. 
  • Boulo matches talent with flexible options based on their unique skills and stages in their career. 

How to get involved

Boulo's platform
Boulo’s platform is one of the keys to their success. Graphic via Boulo

Boulo is free to use if you’re looking for a job. Businesses pay a 20% contract cost. Whether it’s $100 or $100,000, anyone can invest in this growing company before January 31, 2021.

Boulo plans use the capital they raise to further develop their matching product and hire sales personnel that will bring on new clients (and job opportunities).

The bottom line 🚀

Boulo’s revenue numbers tell a story of exponential growth with the potential for a whole lot more.

  • 2018: $14,317
  • 2019: $222,739
  • 2020: $671,823

“We’re excited to bring access to the broader Birmingham community and invite them into Boulo’s mission as investors and supporters. Together we can create more job opportunities for women and bring critical talent back into our workforce.”

Delphine Carter

Want to learn more about how to invest in Boulo’s future? Get started between now and January 31, 2021.

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Sharron Swain
Sharron Swain

Writer, Interviewer + Adventurer | Telling stories to make a difference

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