Millions not required: you can invest in local companies like Boulo with Vicinity Capital today

Reading time: 4 minutes


woman working
This mama means business. Photo via Boulo Solutions’ Facebook

Chances are, if you think of Birmingham companies, you’re probably either thinking of a place to work or a place to be a customer of some sort. Now, though, thanks to Vicinity Capital, you can become an investor in local companies like Boulo Solutions—even if you don’t have big bucks to spend. Seriously. Keep reading to find out all the details.

Anyone can invest locally with Vicinity Capital

Downtown Birmingham
Back companies you believe in in your own back yard. Photo via Jacob Blankenship for Bham Now

Imagine walking into your favorite local business and knowing that you literally own a piece of the action.

All you need is $100 that you’re willing to invest, plus access to Vicinity Capital’s online portal. Once you’ve got that, you can place a microinvestment in local startups and small businesses.

Since Vicinity Capital, a South Carolina-based business, is new to this area, they’re going all in on Birmingham with Boulo Solutions.

Write the next chapter in Birmingham’s innovation story

Birmingham buildings
Photo via Jacob Blankenship for Bham Now

By backing companies you believe in that are in your own back yard, you can access potentially high-growth startups and successful small businesses while doing the following:

  • creating local jobs
  • pushing innovation
  • helping our city grow

Who you can invest in with Vicinity

First, you really don’t need big bucks to get started investing. No income or net worth restrictions means that anyone can invest.

Second, let’s say you’re the founder of a brand new startup or a successful small biz and you love the idea of being featured on Vicinity Capital’s portal. Reach out to them and start the conversation. They have a whole process to determine who’s a match for their portal.

Vicinity’s portal is open to anyone. Why? They want to give equal access to capital to under-resourced entrepreneurs who may have great ideas or businesses but just not the right “friends and family” to accelerate.

Boulo Solutions is currently open for investment + kicking off Vicinity’s launch in Birmingham

Boulo connects smart, driven women with talent-seeking companies offering jobs with flexible schedules; helping both reach their highest potential.

They’re the first Birmingham-based company open for investment on Vicinity’s platform, which will remind you of other crowdfunding platforms you might have seen.

The difference is, you’re not just giving the company money to get something off the ground. Other companies you might be familiar with—like Kickstarter or Indiegogo—allow you to simply donate, get some swag, or get a preorder of the product. 

Your return on investment will be tied to the success of the business you’re backing. Of course, like any investment, there’s a risk you won’t get the return you’re hoping for or could even lose your investment.

Head over here for specifics of Boulo’s campaign + to learn more about their mission to match smart women with projects that companies need.

How Vicinity Capital works

1. Sign up

Sign up for Vicinity Capital

This part’s pretty straightforward. In 2020, we all know how to sign up for programs and services online, and Vicinity’s user-friendly interface makes it a breeze.

2. Browse live campaigns

browse live campaigns

Since Vicinity is new to Birmingham, Boulo is their first local campaign. That’s the company that comes up if you look for a local company to invest in.

They do have three other campaigns in Greeneville, South Carolina, but you’ll be looking for Boulo.

3. Click to invest

Invest with Vicinity Capital

The third and final step is where you decide how much you want to invest. Minimum investment is $100 and of course you can go up from there. Once you select your amount, Vicinity will send you all the documents you need to make it legit.

Congrats—you’re now officially an owner in a Birmingham startup and have begun to spread your angel investing wings to fly.

Be sure to follow the campaign page for updates and submit any questions in the Q&A.

Sign up for Vicinity Capital’s platform today + invest in Birmingham’s Boulo Solutions.

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Sharron Swain
Sharron Swain

Writer, Interviewer + Adventurer | Telling stories to make a difference

Articles: 844