This Birmingham golf tournament raised an incredible $1.2m for charity even though it was cancelled

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Steve Ricker was the winner of the 2019 Regions Tradition
Steve Stricker was the winner of the 2019 Regions Tradition. Photo via Regions

When you’re putting on a charity fundraiser, the last thing you want to have happen is a global pandemic. That’s exactly what happened with the 2020 Regions Tradition golf tournament—twice. Still, they managed to raise a record $1.2 million for charities across Alabama. Keep reading for all the details.

Even though the 2020 Regions Tradition didn’t happen, the giving did—in a big way

In non-COVID times (what we used to call “normal life”), Regions and its partners would raise money for nonprofits. The Tradition’s primary beneficiary is Children’s of Alabama.

Although they had to cancel the regularly-scheduled tournament in May and the rescheduled tournament in September, COVID couldn’t stop the fundraising.
In fact, 2020’s total amount raised is actually the largest amount raised in one year in the history of the tournament: $1.2 million.

“When you have an announcement like today where so much money is being given back to local charities for a tournament that never took place is one of those uplifting moments that helps you get through these tough times.”

Gene Hallman, CEO, Bruno Event Team

Although Children’s of Alabama is the primary beneficiary of the 2020 Regions Tradition, they’re not the only one

“Every year in the tournament there is always a winner, but in 2020 we feel like Children’s of Alabama and particularly our patients and families are the true winners of the Regions Tradition. “

Andrew Loehr, Chief Nursing Officer, Children’s of Alabama

Other nonprofit beneficiaries from the 2020 Regions Tradition include:

  • Parkinsons of Alabama
  • On River Time
  • Magic Moments

Get in on the action for 2021

The Watering Hole at the Regions Tradition
The Watering Hole at the 2019 Regions Tradition. Photo via Regions
  • Location: Greystone Golf & Country Club
  • When: May 5-9, 2021
  • Contact: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

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Sharron Swain
Sharron Swain

Writer, Interviewer + Adventurer | Telling stories to make a difference

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