Finding jobs in Alabama doesn’t have to be hard—5 resources available

Reading time: 6 minutes


Central Six is helping you find jobs in Alabama
Central Six has tons of resources for landing your next job, including training! Photo via Central Six AlabamaWorks!

Do anyone else’s eyes totally glaze over when scrolling through job sites? We spoke with Central Six AlabamaWorks! personal job seeker concierge, Christina Dykes, for avoiding blue light fatigue and connecting with jobs in Alabama. Here’s what she had to say.

Because, it’s not just about finding a job

AW Regional Finding jobs in Alabama doesn't have to be hard—5 resources available
Resources are readily available through Central Six Alabama Works! Photo via Central Six Alabama Works!

Look, we know you’re a smart person because you chose to click on this article. And, we know you can find jobs in Alabama on your own.

But, what about when it comes to childcare, transportation and other factors that hinder employment opportunities? Central Six AlabamaWorks! has your back. The Central Six Development Council serves residents in the Blount, Chilton, Jefferson, Shelby, St. Clair, and Walker counties.

One of the team members you’ll be connected with when working with the organization is Christina Dykes. As Central Six’s job seeker concierge, she makes a personal connection from the organization directly to job seekers.

“I know from personal experience that looking for a job really isn’t the most stressful part, it is worrying about how your car note will be paid, how your children will be taken care of and how you will survive until you do find adequate employment.

My advice would be to connect with an umbrella organization like Central Six who can find ways to alleviate multiple concerns at once. Job seekers might misuse meaningful time by connecting one dot at a time, but Central Six can work with you to connect multiple dots in one stop! My other piece of advice would be to try and maintain a positive outlook—things will work out.”

Christina Dykes, Operations and Community Outreach Manager, Central Six AlabamaWorks

1. Jobseeker Assistance

Find jobs in Alabama with the help of Central Six, woman sitting at computer
Cut out all the other jobseeker sites and just focus on one—Central Six. Photo via Central Six AlabamaWorks!

If there’s one thing we all love it’s exclusivity, right? Applying for jobs in Alabama with thousands of other candidates can feel like trying to dry a flood with a paper towel.

However, through Central Six’s Jobseeker Form, you’re entered into a private jobseeker database. From there, a team of real humans, not robots, review your info and contact you about options for training or employment. I can prove it,too—Christina Dykes is one of those humans on the other side of the screen.

“When individuals complete our job seeker profile, their information comes directly to my inbox. I take a look at all of the things they have submitted and begin to form a plan on what their next steps might be.

Individuals can schedule a chat with myself or Ashton, another member of our case management team. We work with industry partners to identify their needs, so when job seekers identify theirs, our goal is to make a meaningful and lasting match. Sometimes, individuals are not quite ready to enter their dream job—in those cases, we work to connect job seekers with education and training opportunities.”

Christina Dykes, Operations and Community Outreach Manager, Central Six AlabamaWorks!
  • First: Fill out the form.
  • Second: Wait to be contacted by Central Six.
  • Third: Do a happy dance, you might have landed your next job!

2. Childcare Resources

Whether you’ve got a job or need a job, it only takes someone three feet tall to stand in your way—a child. 👶🏼 Just kidding, we know you love ’em, but Central Six can help find suitable childcare when you’re at work, an interview or job training.

Using their childcare database, Central Six works with job seekers to ensure childcare needs are met year-round.  

3. Transportation 🚗

black smartphone
Lyft, carpooling options and rental cars are all options Central Six provides when it comes to transportation. Photo via Unsplash

To go to work you have to be able to get to work, right? Transportation can be a big roadblock on your path to finding employment. While Central Six can’t hook you up with a 2020 Mercedes Benz F150, or whatever the hottest new car is, they will make sure you have reliable transportation to jobs in Alabama.


Central Six’s NEW business partnership is with the rideshare company Lyft. The partnership allows the team to arrange complimentary rides for job seekers. Whether it’s for job training, interviews or to begin a new position, your chariot awaits.


This free program provides transportation alternatives like carpooling, rideshare and emergency rides to residents in areas of Birmingham, Montgomery, Huntsville and Mobile.

Bonus—there are even two programs, GetGreen and CommuterClub, in which qualifying participants can be paid to use alternative transportation. So not only is your ride free, you’re getting $$$ to sit behind the wheel.

On the Road Lending

Prefer to be the captain of your own ship (or car)? On the Road Lending offers affordable car loans, vehicle selection assistance and financial monitoring to those looking to purchase a vehicle.

If it’s a credit score you’re worried about, fear not. This program uses character-based lending to help you budget for a car and provides coaching throughout the life of your loan.

Interested in any of the above three transportation services? Reach out here.

4. Career Awareness for Jobs in Alabama

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Central Six partners with local companies to bring resources, education, training and information to future and current job seekers. Photos via Central Six AlabamaWorks!

Normally at this point, I’d tell you to attend one of Central Six’s amazing events, like Worlds of Work, where you can learn about high-demand, high-wage careers. But, you already know the drill and that’s that most in-person events are canceled due to the pandemic.

However, Central Six is still hosting events virtually for career awareness opportunities. And guess what? The access to resources and wealth of knowledge from the team hasn’t changed just because it’s on-screen. Plus, stay tuned for the Worlds of Work App to be released in 2021.

5. Finding jobs in Alabama is easy with the best team in the world 🙌

Everyone keeps saying, “We’re all in this together,” but Central Six AlabamaWorks! means it. Let them help you navigate these annoyingly unusual times and get you on the way to work!

“It’s the personal touch for me. Central Six does a great job of creating meaningful relationships with K-12 institutions, Community Colleges and Four Year Institutions, along with industry partners.

We seek to create a seamless experience for job seekers as well as meaningful connections for our industry and school partners. Because we have been serving our Region (Blount, Chilton, Jefferson, Shelby, St. Clair and Walker Counties) for eight years, we have aligned ourselves to be boots on the ground and results focused.”

Christina Dykes, Operations and Community Outreach Manager, Central Six AlabamaWorks!

Ready to get to work? Visit CentralSix AlabamaWorks! on Facebook, Twitter and through their website for more information.

If you are a local employer or organization that wants to get involved, contact

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