Did you see the rainbow over Birmingham yesterday? It was awesome. (9 photos)
Reading time: 2 minutes

Who chased rainbows yesterday afternoon?
After a rainy day, thanks to the remnants of Hurricane Delta, the Magic City was treated to a beautiful rainbow that seemed to stretch the length of the city.
Social media exploded. Photos of the rainbow were taken by residents of downtown, Homewood and all the way out to Hoover and Pelham. It practically ‘traveled’ 20-30 miles.
Chasing Rainbows on 280

Personally, I pulled off Highway 280 at about 5:30ish across from the Hampton Inn and Wendy’s. I literally chased it all the way to the Summit, capturing this last photo at the 280/459 intersection.
I guess you can say I made a ‘rainbow connection.’ Thank you Kermit!
Let’s See Some Photos

Our last big rainbow event was on the Summer Solstice, a few months ago. We published Alex Kiker’s tweet/photos back then – and once again on October 10, 2020, he did not disappoint. Love the photo of Vulcan.
Rainbow moved from UAB, Homewood, Hoover
The rainbow was everywhere.
Viktoria Havasi, the curator of Murals of Birmingham Facebook page captured this stunning photo of the rainbow over the Shelby Building at UAB.

Thomas Spencer, a researcher at the Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama took this picture at the community gardens in Homewood.

Kellie Woods took her photo out near the Galleria on Hwy 31 with 2nd and Charles and JoAnn Fabrics as a backdrop.

Did you make a rainbow connection yesterday?