8 environmental short films coming to Sidewalk Film Festival on August 27
Reading time: 4 minutes

Here is a little known fact. Over the past few years, the state of Alabama has become a “hub” for some of the best environmental filmmaking in the southeast and nation.
Thanks to the Alabama Rivers Alliance’s popular and highly acclaimed Southern Exposure Film Series, filmmakers from all over the country spend a summer in the Yellowhammer State exploring and documenting the state’s natural wonders and environmental challenges.
The result: Powerful stories and beautiful films.
Sidewalk Film Festival – Environmental Short Films

As part of the 22nd Annual Sidewalk Film Festival, on Thursday, August 27, 8:00pm to 10:08pm, eight environmental short documentaries will be shown on the big screen at the Grand River Drive-In.

If you care about nature and our environment it is a can’t miss event.
Purchase your ticket(s) – HERE
Homegrown Films

Six of the eight environmental films are about the state of Alabama, including four from Southern Exposure.
“We are so excited that all four of the 2019 Southern Exposure films are part of this unique Sidewalk Film Festival experience!
This is a great opportunity for attendees to learn about Alabama’s environment, people, and special places. You’ll be able to hear directly from communities impacted by the high profile bribery scandal in North Birmingham, as well as discover how prescribed fire has been used to manage our natural resources for generations. You’ll be captivated by the incredible beauty of the Little River and you’ll travel throughout Alabama’s beautiful places learning about our rivers, streams, and wetlands to illustrate the dangers of the proposed rollbacks of the Clean Water Act.” ~ Kelly Marshall, communications director for Alabama Rivers Alliance and Southern Exposure.
A River Hero and Monarch Butterflies

The other two Alabama -based films feature a river hero and monarch butterflies.
I am going to be especially interested in seeing the film about Hurricane Creekkeeper John Wathen, one of Alabama’s most passionate and beloved river advocates. He is one of a kind. Can’t wait to see his story told on the big screen.
And talk about big, there is also a film about the Monarch butterfly’s journey from Mexico to Alabama’s Gulf Coast. The film is appropriately titled “The Mystical Migration of the Monarch.” I don’t know about you, but I can’t learn enough about butterflies, especially the ones that magically travel thousands of miles.
Baby Eels and a Nature Artist
Alongside the films about Alabama, our good friends at Sidewalk have included two films on topics outside of Alabama, one about freshwater baby eels in Maine (now that’s pretty cool) and the story of prominent Indiana folk/nature artist Geoff Davis.
In total, the short films total 2 hours and 8 minutes. Not bad for a night out at the drive-in.
More Southern Exposure Films to Come

Once you get “hooked” on environmental short films about Alabama this coming Thursday night, the Alabama Rivers Alliance would love for you to join them at their Alabama Water Rally in mid-September when they premiere their 2020 batch of Southern Exposure Films.
“We’re currently finalizing our 2020 class of films, all created remotely by filmmakers across the country due to the pandemic, and can’t wait to share them with you on the first night of Alabama Water Rally on Thursday, September 17! Stay tuned for more information about those films coming soon.” – added ARA’s Marshall.
See You There
Secure your place at 22nd Annual Sidewalk Film Festival’s Environmental Film Block at the Grand River Drive-In on Thursday evening August 27th.
See you there!