Books for Birmingham is helping local students get back on track
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Young students throughout Birmingham have been affected by early school closings. Better Basics has created the Books for Birmingham book drive campaign to collect NEW books for these students helping them get back in the swing of things for school in the fall.
We 💙 Books

Better Basics is an established and dynamic Birmingham-area education nonprofit. Their mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of children and their families by advancing reading and math literacy through enrichment and intervention programs.
Better Basics programs are in Birmingham, Fairfield, Midfield City, and Talladega County Schools. To benefit the students in these areas, the Books for Birmingham campaign is raising funds to purchase new books as well as collect new children’s books to distribute in neighborhoods that have been affected the most by early closings.
Many homes in these affected neighborhoods lack internet access, learning technology, or home libraries–it’s important as ever for these children to have the tools they need while public libraries are closed.
Teaming Up📚
Feeding and supplies stations are supporting the neighborhoods Better Basics serves like Woodlawn, Fairfield, West End, Centerpoint, among other locations. As these essentials are given out by local agencies, Better Basics will be there too providing the books, or rather, “brain food”, at these stations in neighborhoods.
Reading books together is a wonderful method of family bonding. In addition, it’s a great way to achieve calming downtime and expand kids’ imaginations. Better Basics has created a wish list of marvelous Pre-K through fifth grade level books that are perfect to contribute to this drive–and by the way, kids love these titles too.
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
Dr. Suess
To raise funds to contribute to the growing book supply–click here to donate. 🙌