3 ways to make a no-sew face mask on the fly using household objects

cookie fix face masks 3 ways to make a no-sew face mask on the fly using household objects
“We want to say a BIG thank you to Bham Face Masks for supplying us with these lovely face masks!” Photo via Cookie Fix’s Facebook.

You’ve heard the news, Birmingham is requiring all residents to wear a face-covering while out in public. Luckily, there are so many ways to fashion a mask it’s not much of a burden, or financial strain, to pop one on before heading out on essential errands.

Let’s start by answering a few questions

Fabric masks 4 3 ways to make a no-sew face mask on the fly using household objects
If you’re asymptomatic, wearing a mask protects those around you from contracting COVID-19. Photo and masks by Annette Gray Goersch

As more and more information comes to light about COVID-19, the CDC recommends wearing a face mask to protect people around you if you’re infected, but do not have symptoms. The experts at the CDC answered common questions when it comes to cloth face coverings.

What are the rules on washing your cloth face covering?

Depending on frequency of use, you should wash your mask regularly. You don’t need anything special, just a washing machine will do.

Do certain fabrics work better than others?

The CDC recommends using multiple layers of fabrics. A study published by ACS publications did find that that layering different fabrics (such as cotton, silk, chiffon, and flannel) improved particle filtration.

Who can wear one?

Anyone under the age of two, has issues breathing, or cannot remove the mask without assistance should not wear a face covering.

How do I properly wear a face-covering without infecting myself or others?

Wearing a face covering becomes immediately useless if not worn properly. Here are a few guidelines:

  • Make sure the mask covers your nose and mouth and fits snugly, but comfortably, against the side of your face.
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth when removing their face covering.
  • Wash hands before putting the mask on and immediately after removing

For more answers to FAQs, head to the CDC’s website.

1. Bandana or scarf + hair tie

I’m a sucker for a Madewell bandana, so needless to say I’ve got a few around my house. Of course, this method also works with a scarf or similar fabric, as long as it’s 20X20 inches.

  • Fold bandana in half.
  • Fold top down. Fold bottom up.
  • Place rubber bands or hair ties about 6 inches apart.
  • Fold side to the middle and tuck.

2. T-shirt

It’s not too difficult to find an old t-shirt you wouldn’t be sad about chunking. Maybe you can use it as an excuse to get rid of that horrible t-shirt your significant other wont let go of.

  • Cut a long strip 7-8 inches from the bottom.
  • Cut a separate piece, 6-7 inches, and cut skinny strips for strings.
  • Tie strings around the neck then over the top of the head.

3. Sock

I don’t really know how I feel about this one, but hey if you’re in a pinch this is pretty easy.

  • Cut a 1-inch slit at the bottom part of the ankle of the sock. (You can make this bigger depending on the fit.)
  • Cut two V’s at the toe of the sock, one on top and one on the bottom.
  • Place the ankle loop over one ear and the toe loop over the other.

If you decide to break out the sewing machine

Birmingham has a TON of resources for giving, getting and learning how to make masks. Remember, using these masks saves the N95 and other high-level PPE for those workers on the frontlines of COVID-19.

Making + getting masks

Donating masks to healthcare workers

Do you know of another creative way to make a mask or face covering? Let us know on social @bhamnow!

Irene Richardson
Irene Richardson
Articles: 384