Dread River distributes 450+ gallons of hand sanitizer in Birmingham

Reading time: 4 minutes

Birmingham, Ghost Train Brewing Company, breweries, distilleries, hand sanitizer, COVID-19
Staying safe. Photo via @ghost_train_brewing on Instagram

In the wake of the #washyourhands movement, distilleries across the nation have begun making and distributing hand sanitizer to their communities. Read on to learn how Dread River Distilling Company in Birmingham is taking part in this new venture.

It was on March 19 that Dread River Distilling Co. announced plans via social media that they’d be producing and distributing hand sanitizer.

This single announcement went wild. 

“As soon as it became public knowledge that we were producing hand sanitizer, we were flooded with requests from hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, hospice care, first responders, etc. We never dreamed that there would be such a need, and from such critical businesses and organizations!”

Taylor Kelley, Marketing Coordinator, Dread River Distilling Company

What’s especially awesome is that Dread River is keeping their product donation-based for organizations who cannot afford it. 

To help keep Dread River’s doors open during this time and to keep hand sanitizer production running, donate now

About the Products

Birmingham, Dread River Distilling Company, Dread River, distilleries, hand sanitizer, COVID-19
Hand sanitizer from Dread River Distilling Company. Photo via @dreadriverco on Instagram

Currently, Dread River has two products:

  • A 70% alcohol spray with aloe that works for cleaning surfaces and can be safely used on one’s hands.
  • An 80% alcohol sanitizer made with glycerin and hydrogen peroxide, per CDC and WHO regulations. 

How long does it take to make?

According to Kelley, each batch takes about a week (give or take) to make. But Taylor says there are some challenges to it. One being the chemistry. If only we had paid more attention during those mandatory science classes

“Not every batch takes the same amount of time to ferment, so it is difficult for us to predict the yield and date of each batch.”

Another challenge is sourcing bottles.

“We have received a lot of donated bottles, so the size is dependent on what we have available. So far, we have filled bottles that are 6 oz., 8 oz., 32 oz., and even full gallons.”

While there may be some road blocks here and there, it isn’t slowing Dread River Dow. Since production began less than one month ago, they’ve distributed over 450 gallons of hand sanitizer!

Who can purchase it?

Currently, Dread River is prioritizing hand sanitizer requests for healthcare and first responders. They are also supplying many local businesses as resources allow. 

What about the rest of us? Good news! Starting in the next week or so, Dread River’s hand sanitizer will be available to individuals around Birmingham. Stay tuned to their Instagram and Facebook pages for info on how to get it.

Have questions or want to place an order? Just visit Dread River’s website, or email them. They’ll be sure to help you.  

The Future of Hand Sanitizer

With the coronavirus making us all more aware of germs and protecting ourselves and others, it would make sense that hand sanitizer will be in high demand for a long time. So the question is, will Dread River continue to make it even after COVID-19?

“We have developed a lot of relationships with businesses and organizations that are interested in continuing to work with us after this crisis is over. So it is certainly a possibility, but we have not fully committed to this yet.”

Donate now.

Sanitize with help from Ghost Train Brewing Company

Birmingham, Ghost Train Brewing, hand sanitizer, distilleries
Stop by Ghost Train Brewing Company for hand sanitizer. Photo by Pat Byington for Bham Now

Did you know, Ghost Train Brewing Company is also creating and distributing hand sanitizer?

Sizes and prices:

  • 6 oz. – $$5.25
  • Funnel – $14.75
  • 32oz. – $10 each
  • Gallon – $30 each 

Be sure to follow Ghost Train Brewing Company on Instagram and Facebook for daily updates. They run out fast!

You can pick it up at their curbside to-go tent. All bottles are first come first serve. 

What do you think of Birmingham distilleries distributing hand sanitizer? Let us know your thoughts on social @bhamnow.

Patience Itson
Patience Itson
Articles: 1777