Birmingham gets colorful as locals Chalk The Walk

Reading time: 3 minutes

Birmingham, Chalk The Walk, Chalk Your Walk, chalk art
Beautiful chalk art. Photo via Jennifer Conklin

Grab that sidewalk chalk! Locals across the greater Birmingham area are taking to their sidewalks and driveways to Chalk The Walk—a national movement aimed to bring hope and positivity to communities during the coronavirus pandemic.

Using colored chalk, people of all ages are creating positive messages and drawings for those in their neighborhood to see as they venture out on walks, runs and bike rides.

Social distancing may be on everyone’s mind, but Chalk The Walk is proving to be a great way to safely connect with the community and feel some joy during this trying time.

Why are locals participating?

Birmingham, chalk art, Chalk Your Walk, Chalk The Walk
Here, here! Photo via Kristen Berthiaume

“We chose to do Chalk The Walk to remind our friends and neighbors that even with all this uncertainty, we are stronger together. Even if we have to be six feet apart.”

Mary Ellison, resident, Moody

“During a time where so many are nervous and even fearful, we wanted to participate in this opportunity to spread love and peace to our neighbors.”

Stacy Estes Moseley, resident, Alabaster

“We wanted to try and bring joy back into the monotony of social isolation and a smile to their faces. Our kids would love to walk by and see a picture on someone’s drive, so we were extending that same joy to other families.”

Mary Beth Newton, resident, Trussville

Here’s a look at some of the cool chalk art popping up across Birmingham.

Stained Glass

Birmingham, chalk art, Chalk The Walk, Chalk Your Walk
Photo via Tiffany Hailey Slocum
Birmingham, Chalk The Walk, Chalk Your Walk
Photo via Jessica McDonald Wright

Encouraging Words

Birmingham, chalk art, Chalk The Walk, Chalk Your Walk
Photo via Abby Williams Murray
Birmingham, chalk art, Chalk The Walk, Chalk Your Walk
Photo via Lee Kathryn McAnally
Birmingham, chalk art, chalk your walk
What brings you joy? Photo via Sarah Crump O’Kelley
Birmingham, chalk art, chalk your walk
Photo via Mary Ellison
Birmingham, Chalk The Walk, Chalk Your Walk, chalk art
Photo via Kristen Ramsey Hefner
Birmingham, chalk art, chalk your walk
Photo via Stacy Estes Moseley
Birmingham, chalk art, chalk your walk
Photo via Jaime Robinson Giangrosso
Birmingham, chalk art, chalk your walk
Photo via Mary Ellison
Birmingham, chalk art, chalk your walk
Photo via Rose Mary Sparks

Fun Characters

Clever Chalking

Birmingham, chalk art, Chalk Your Walk, Chalk The Walk
Wizardry. Photo via Kristen Berthiaume
Birmingham, chalk art, Chalk Your Walk, Chalk The Walk
Unicorn joy. Photo via Kristen Berthiaume
Birmingham, chalk art, Chalk Your Walk, Chalk The Walk
Super hero flies over the city. Photo via Kristen Berthiaume
Birmingham, chalk art, Chalk Your Walk, Chalk The Walk
Great hit. Photo via Kristen Berthiaume
Birmingham, Chalk The Walk, Chalk Your Walk, chalk art
Peace-N-Love. Photo via Barnett Adina

Want to take part in Chalk The Walk? Then grab that chalk and create, inspire and connect.

Are you participating in Chalk The Walk? We’d love to see and share your creations. Tag us on social @bhamnow!

Patience Itson
Patience Itson
Articles: 1795