Happy birthday Alabama! Here’s where you can celebrate the state’s Bicentennial in Bham on Dec.14.

Reading time: 4 minutes

Kids celebrate the bicentennial in Birmingham.
Celebrate good times, come on! Photo via Alabama 200.

For 200 years old, our state doesn’t look a day over 135. Alabama became the nation’s twenty-second state on December 14, 1819.

Do you know what that means? This Saturday we’re all invited to Alabama’s birthday party! Check out all the places in Birmingham where you can commemorate the big day.

Shop at Cahaba Brewing’s CahaBAZAAR.

Birmingham, Cahaba Brewing Co
Shopping and drinking? Sounds like everyone on my holiday gift list is going to end up with something from this holiday market. Photo via Cahaba Brewing Co.

The best birthday gift you can give Alabama is to shop local. Cahaba Brewing is hosting a holiday market with 70+ local artists, makers and nonprofits.

The brewery will release two NEW Draft Beers: Felix Felicis (Butter Beer) and Horchata Milk Stout (Ralph Marion Collab.) Get there quick, because the event will also feature VERY LIMITED Bomber Releases: 22oz Bicentennial Barley Wine and 22oz Barrel-Aged Bicentennial Barley Wine.

More than shopping, you can also celebrate with these activities:

  • Santa: 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM ($15 first picture + $5 additional)
  • Free Ornament Making Station from 12 PM – 5 PM and Caricature Artist from 1 PM – 4 PM
  • Free Hot Chocolate Bar Sponsored by Filter-Coffee Parlor (while supplies last.)

Don’t miss food from Eugene’s Hot Chicken, Alloy Thai Restaurant, The Anatomy of Pi, LLC and more!

PLUS put on your dancing shoes for free live music by Frank Jordan & Friends (2 p.m – 4 p.m) and the Bob Marston Duo (4 p.m. – 6 p.m.)

Visit the P.H. Polk Exhibit at the Springville Birmingham Public Library.

975994 586801524686300 1138799723 o 1 Happy birthday Alabama! Here's where you can celebrate the state's Bicentennial in Bham on Dec.14.
The library is open from 9 AM – 6 PM on Saturday. Photo via Springville Road Library’s Facebook.

Alabama gathered a lot of history over 200 years, and The Polk Exhibit at the Springville Branch of the Birmingham Public Library is one way to reflect on it. Renowned photographer P.H. Polk is considered one of the most influential black photographers of all time.

The photography by Polk displays a glance into 20th-century life on the Tuskegee University campus and surrounding community. The exhibit, sponsored by the Alabama Bicentennial Commission and the Southern Literary Trail, is available through December 30 .

Check out the new Alabama Bicentennial Children’s Bell at Sloss.

Bell commemorates Alabama bicentennial in Birmingham.
Can I borrow this for my new alarm clock? Photo via Bham Now.

How’s this for a birthday gift? It may be too big to stick in a gift bag, but luckily you can visit it at Sloss Furnaces.

 The Alabama Bicentennial Commission and Children’s Hospital worked together on this project to create something really special. It’s a great place to take your children, because the bell is representative of the contributions of Alabama children to the state’s history.

Sloss is open from 10 AM—4 PM on Saturday, so make sure you check it out!

Shop Laura Levie’s Alabama Prints.

814314336 Happy birthday Alabama! Here's where you can celebrate the state's Bicentennial in Bham on Dec.14.
How cool! This piece highlights more than 40 unique monuments and attractions in the state. Photo via lauralevie.com

Laura Levie is a great example of a Birmingham resident who represents Alabama, so what better day to support her? You can find her art throughout prominent parts of our community, such as on the walls of the Ronald McDonald House in Children’s of Alabama clinics.

Give yourself, or someone on your list, the perfect Alabama gift by shopping her work on the Alabama Bicentennial website. Plus, read more about her work and where you can find it around the city.

Celebrate twice at Nana Funks 13 Year Anniversary + Alabama’s Bicentennial Party.

Nana Funks is holding a celebration for the bicentennial in Birmingham.
A great way to end your night, and celebrate 200 years of Alabama! Photo via Nana Funk’s Facebook.

What’s better than one parties? TWO parties—join Nana Funks this Saturday for a combined anniversary.

  • Doors open at 6 PM
  • DJ Hoover starts at 10 PM
  • No cover until 12 AM
  • Specials on Local Brews: Avondale, Cahaba, Ghost Train, Good People, and Trim Tab products!

Where are you celebrating the Alabama Bicentennial in Birmingham? Let us know on social @bhamnow!

Irene Richardson
Irene Richardson
Articles: 383