Unwanted guns? 3 ways to safely get rid of them in Birmingham

Reading time: 3 minutes

unwanted gun
You could turn your unwanted firearms into something beautiful like this! Photo via Art of Peace

So, for one reason or another, you find yourself with a couple of unwanted guns (or more!) on your hands. Maybe you inherited them, or just have a few old guns that you no longer want. If you are looking to properly dispose of a firearm, here are three ways to make it happen in Birmingham.

1. Turn Your Gun Over to Your Local Police Station

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Birmingham Police posing in the Magic City. Photo via Birmingham Police Department

One of the easiest ways to get rid of your firearm is to surrender it to your local police station. To do this, first call the Birmingham Police non-emergency number – 205.328.9311

During your call, you will be given two choices:

  • Schedule an appointment to bring in your firearm
  • Depending on the station, schedule a time for an officer to swing by your home to collect the firearm.

2. Sell It and Get Some Cash

unwanted gun
Photo by Kevork Djansezian

If you’d like to sell your weapon, consider finding a private gun buyback program. While these programs might not pay market value, you could get a little cash.

Additionally, you could sell it to a local gun retailer, such as Mark’s Outdoors or Southeastern Guns.

Another option is to sell your guns to the National Center for Unwanted Firearms.

  • 1) First, fill out their contact form or call (833) GIV-GUNS
  • 2) Wait to receive a box and instructions on how to properly pack your firearm.
  • 3) Send the firearm to the National Center for Unwanted Firearms.

3. Turn Your Firearm into Art

Unwanted gun
With a little elbow grease, you could make a gun display to hang above your fireplace. Photo via Sportsman Guide

First, make sure to deactivate your weapon yourself or take it to a gunsmith. Next, decide how you’d like to transform it. Here are some ideas!

  • Create a decorative plaque: For example, if the gun has sentimental value, you could mount it on a display and hang it in your home.
  • Turn it into furniture: Or, if you’re crafty, you could turn the gun into a household item such as a lamp.
  • Turn it into art: You’ll have to get creative here. But, the possibilities are infinite.
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“Recoil” by Tom Hubbard, on display at Space One Eleven. Photo via Space One Eleven

Additionally, if you’d like some inspiration, check out the exhibit at Space One Eleven titled “We Dare Defend Our Rights.” The exhibit is open until December 31st, and you can visit during gallery hours (10AM to 5PM Tuesday through Friday.)

Have you transformed an old gun into an art piece? Make sure to tag @bhamnow and show us!

Nathan Watson
Nathan Watson

Senior Content Producer + Photographer

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