Birmingham VA Medical Center to open a new mental health clinic in Fall 2021

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CXM626RFJJBJHLG4TVZRV52U6E 2 Birmingham VA Medical Center to open a new mental health clinic in Fall 2021
Crestwood VA concept. Photo via Birmingham VA

The Birmingham VA Medical Center currently serves over 65,000 veterans each year. In order to provide service for these veterans, the Birmingham VA is planning to open a new clinic on Crestwood Boulevard in Fall 2021.

Birmingham’s New VA Clinic

Birmingham VA Medical Center
Crestwood VA concept. Photo via Birmingham VA
  • What: A new VA Mental Health Clinic
  • When: Fall 2021
  • Where: 7901 Crestwood Boulevard
  • Size: 60,000 square-feet, 2-stories
  • Parking: 450 surface spots

In order to acquire the lot, the Department of Veterans Affairs signed a 20-year lease. Although the Birmingham VA will provide $14 million in construction and renovation, the total cost is projected to be over $76 million.

So, what Does This Mean for Birmingham-Area Veterans?

At the new clinic, the VA anticipates serving around 25,000 veterans each year. Since the clinic will provide all VA mental health services, the Birmingham VA Medical Center will be freed up to provide better care.

Additionally, the new medical center will replace the old Birmingham Garden Inn on Crestwood Boulevard. Since the new location is right by the 59/20 exit, patients will have easy access to the clinic.

Programs Offered

Birmingham VA Medical Center
Crestwood VA concept. Photo via Birmingham VA

Although the clinic will focus on mental health services, they will also offer a wide range of programs for  veterans in the greater Birmingham area. For instance, some include:

  • Suicide prevention
  • General mental health diagnosis and treatment
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder treatment
  • Substance abuse treatment
  • Mental health day programs
  • Group psychotherapy
  • Psychiatry
  • In-home intensive case management
  • Couples and family therapy
  • Mental health new patient clinic
  • Telehealth programs
  • Intern and resident training
  • Peer support
  • Homeless programs

What do you think about the new VA clinic in Crestwood? Let us know by tagging @bhamnow.

Nathan Watson
Nathan Watson

Senior Content Producer + Photographer

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